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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
946 2008-09 ADP No. 47/80448(2008-09) E/Cost Rs. 19.032 (M) 2 NOS in Distt: Karak Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 100 Middle Schools to High Level(B&G) on need basis
692 - 2009 5/Mar vol 7 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
691 - 2009 3/Mar vol 7 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
690 - 2009 2/Mar vol 7 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
689 - 2009 21/Jan vol 6 no 17 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
688 - 2009 20 Jan vol 6 no 16 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
687 - 2009 19 Jan vol 6 no 15 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
686 - 2009 16 Jan vol 6 no 14 Gazetteers of NWFP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
685 - 2009 15 Jan vol 6 no 13 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
945 2009-2010 ADP No. 16/2009-10 E/Cost Rs. 3.014 (M) GPS Shah Afzal Abad (PF-18) Various Department List II Establishment of GPS Shah Afzal Abad (PF-18) Distt: Charsadda(CM Directive)
684 - 2009 14 Jan vol 6 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
683 - 2009 13 Jan vol 6 no 11 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
682 - 2009 12 JAN vol 6 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
944 2011-12 ADP No. 46/110435(2011-12) E/Cost Rs. 11.115 (M) 3 NOS in PK-37, 3 NOS in PK-38, 3 NOS in PK-39 in Distt: Kohat Various Department List II Construction of 300 Additional Classrooms in Primary, Middle & High Schools in KPK (Phase-III) CM Directive
943 2008-09 ADP No. 52/50179(2008-09) E/Cost Rs. 119.736 (M) Govt: Girls Degree No.2 KDA Kohat Various Department List II Establishment of Govt. Colleges in NWFP Phase-II
942 2004-05 ADP No. 264/40300(2004-05) E/Cost Rs. 40.00 (M) Various Department List II Establishment of Mufti Mehmood Public Library in DI Khan Distt
941 2010-11 ADP No. 46/100280(2010-11) E/Cost Rs. 134.529 (M) GGHS Garum Chasma(PF-89), GGHS Shiaqotock(PF-89), GHS Bang PF-09, Distt: Chitral Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 150 GHS to Higher Secondary Level(B&G 30:70) in KPK on need basis
940 2007-2008 E/Cost Rs. 83.177 (M) 8 Units in Distt: Charsadda Various Department List II Reconstruction of Building for High School in NWFP
939 2008-09 ADP No. 71/80395 2008-09 E/Cost Rs. 21.708 (M) GGDC Chitral Various Department List II Construction of Examination Hall, Classrooms C/Wall & Garage in GGDC Chitral
938 1987 November Sarhad Development Authority Peshawar Various Department List II Lagarban-Tarnawai Eastern Phosphate Mining Project
937 2006-2007 ADP No. 84/50092(2006-07) E/Cost Rs. 14.019 (M) GHS Tajori( Distt: Lakki Marwat) Various Department List II Reconstruction of Buildings of 20 Secondary Schools in NWFP
936 2008-2011 July to June ADP 2008-09 Capital Cost Rs. 10.000 (M) Various Department List II Strengthening of Budgeting, Accounting & Internal Audit System in B&A cell Environment( Admn): Dept
935 2006-09 July to June ADP No. 775/60267 E/Cost Rs. 4.000 (M) NWFP Wildlife Dept: Various Department List II Development of Wildlife Safari Park in Malakand Agency
934 2004-07 July to June Total Cost Rs. 11.56 (M) Mansehra Wildlife Division, Mansehra Various Department List II Management of National Parks in Kaghan Valley
933 2009-2010 ADP No.46/90204 E/Cost Rs. 47.700 (M) 9 NOS in Distt: Swabi Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 150 Primary School to Middle Status in NWFP
932 2006-2007 October Various Department List II Environmental Improvement of River Swat
931 2006-2007 ADP 2006-07 E/Cost Rs. 15.000 (M) Various Department List II Strengthening of Forest Protection in NWFP
930 - 2006-09 July to June ADP No. 780 Total Cost Rs. 4.00 (M) Various Department List II Promotion of Mushroom Culture in NWFP
929 - 2006-2007 November ADP No. 755/60258 E/Cost Rs. 2.000 (M) Various Department List II Afforestation in Luni Resumed Lands & Development of its Rod Kohi Catchment
928 - 2005-06 to 2007-08 Capital Cost Rs. 10.000 (M) Various Department List II Community Based Afforestation in Gadoon Distt: Swabi
927 2006-07 to 2008-09 ADP 2006-09 E/Cost Rs. 15.000 (M) NWFP Forest Department Various Department List II Environment Rehabilitation in Tehsil Adenzai(Lower Dir Distt)
926 2006-2007 ADP 2006-07 E/Cost Rs. 2.5 (M) NWFP Wildlife Dept: Various Department List II Wildlife Extension Program in NWFP Phase-IV
925 2006-2007 ADP 2006-07 NWFP Wildlife Dept: Various Department List II Establishment of Partridges Breeding Center in Agha Laralay, Dir Lower and Karrak
924 2006-2007 E/Cost Rs. 24.304 (M) Distt: Lakki Marwat Various Department List II Installation of 10 NOS New Irrigation Tube Wells under DERA-II Programme in Distt:Lakki Marwat
923 2007-2008 Pilot Distt: Kohat Various Department List II Performance Based Budgeting 2007-08
922 1993 March Planning Commision, Govt: of Pakistan Various Department List II Portfolio of Aid-Worthy Projects for The Pakistan Consortium
921 2007-2008 ADP No. 29/70685 E/Cost Rs. 18.335 (M) 09-NOS in Distt: Buner Various Department List II Establishment of 200 Primary Schools in NWFP for Boys
920 2010-11 ADP No. 14/100289 E/Cost Rs. 5.367 (M) PF-61 Distt: Kohistan Various Department List II Construction of 300 Additional Classrooms in Primary Schools in KPK on need basis in Distt: Kohistan
919 2007-2008 ADP No. 27(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 25.300 (M) 11 Units in Distt: Dir Lower Various Department List II Establishment of 200 Girls Primary Schools in NWFP
918 2009-2010 ADP No. 786/2009-10 E/Cost Rs. 1.787 (M) Acquisition of 12 Kanal Land for Playground for Govt: High School Manga(CM Directive) Various Department List II Special Package for Development Initiatives Ground
917 2009-2010 ADP NO. 48/90206(2009-10) E/Cost Rs. 24.534 (M) 1. GHS Mandani, 2. GHS Shodog, 3. GMS Palai, 4. GHS Mirza Dher Distt: Charsadda Various Department List II Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of Buildings of Middle & High Schools in NWFP Phase-II(PF-20 & 21)
916 2007-2008 ADP No. 78/70104(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 12.920 (M) 04-NOS in Distt: Buner Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 120 Primary Schools to Middle Level in NWFP during 2007-08
915 2007-2008 ADP No. 79/70105(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 16.012 (M) 3 NOS in Distt: Buner Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 110 Middle School to High Level in NWFP during 2007-08
914 2008-09 ADP No. 56/50339(2008-09) Total Cost Rs. 225.648 (M) Higher Education, Archieves & Libraries Dept:, Govt: of NWFP Various Department List II Establishment of Govt: Degree Dassu(Kohistan)
913 2007-2008 ADP No. 27/70085(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 12.230 (M) Distt: Buner Various Department List II Establishment of 200 Girls Primary Schools in NWFP Distt: Buner
912 2010-11 ADP No. 14/100289 E/Cost Rs. 4.518 (M) GPS Velanay, GPS Jambal, GPS Barabai, PF-88, Distt: Shangla Various Department List II Construction of 300 Additional Classrooms in Primary Schools in KPK Peshawar
911 Capital Cost Rs. 504.906 (M) University of Karachi Various Department List II Establishment of Power Generation System for University of Karachi, Karachi
910 2006-2011 July to June Capital Cost Rs. 489.462 (M) Environment Dept Various Department List II Forestry Resource Development & Conservation Project (FRDCP) NWFP
909 2007-2008 ADP No. 27(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 25.300 (M) 11 Units in Distt: Lower Various Department List II Establishment of 200 Girls Primary Schools in NWFP
908 2008-09 ADP No. 12/70085(2008-09) E/Cost Rs. 20.820 (M) Establishment of Lalma Razim Khan Koroona (PF-10) Peshawar Various Department List II Establishment of 200 Girls Primary Schools in NWFP & 05 Girls Primary Schools in Peshawar