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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
758 2010 6/Sep vol 15 no 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
757 2010 3/Sep vol 15 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
756 2 Sep vol 15 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
755 2010 1 Sep vol 15 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1030 2010 January National Engineering & Scientific Commission(NESCOM) Various Department List II National Electronic Complex of Pakistan(NECOP)
1029 2010-11 ADP No. 49/100290(2010-11) E/Cost Rs. 4.741 (M) GGHS Daag/Mathra (03 Additional Class Rooms) PK-07 Various Department List II Construction of 300 Additional Classrooms in Secondary Schools in KPK on need basis(CM Directive)
1028 2007-2008 ADP No. 07/70085(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 6.420 (M) GGPS Nothia Jadid(Tanki Janazgha) Shifted from GGPS Charkha Khel Peshawar (PF-4) Various Department List II Establishment of 200 Girls Primary Schools in KPK
1027 2009-2010 ADP No. 47/90205(2009-10) E/Cost Rs. 89.198 (M) 70 Classrooms in Distt: Swat Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Additional Classrooms in Govt: Primary, Middle & High Schools in NWFP
1026 2006 March Various Department List II Decentralization Support Program
1025 2004 January Provincial Program Support Office NWFP Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Institutional Strengthening of the Monitoring Committees
1024 2005 January Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Institutional Strengthening of Local Government Performance Enhancement
1023 2005 August Local Government Various Department List II Training of the Elected Representatives Post Local Government Election 2005 (N-401)
1022 2004 December Asian Development Bank Various Department List II Technical Assistance for Capacity Building of District Human Resource Development Officers (HRDO)
1021 2004 March Provincial Program Support Office Decentralization Support Program Govt: of NWFP Peshawar Various Department List II Compilation of Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) Handbook
1020 2004 December Saeed Methani Mushtaq & Co Various Department List II Technical Assistance for Capacity Building of District Human Resource Development Officers (HRDO)
1019 2004 February Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Local Government Performance Enhancement (LGPE) Decentralization Support Program (DSP) Institutional Strengthening of Provincial Finance Commission-NWFP
1018 - 2005 January Institutional Strengthening of Monitoring Committee (MCs) in NWFP Various Department List II Resource Monitoring & Development Group(RMDG)
754 2010 31 Aug vol 15 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
753 2010 29 Jul 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
752 2010 29 Jul vol 14 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
751 2010 30/June vol 13 no 13 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
750 2010 29 June vol 13 no 12 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
749 2010 28 June vol 13 no 11 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
748 2010 25/June vol 13 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
747 2010 24/June vol 13 no 9 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1017 2005 January Various Department List II Public Grievance and Dispute Relations
746 2010 23/June vol 13 no 8 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
745 2010 22/June vol 13 no 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1016 - 2005 Local Government Various Department List II Training of the Elected Representatives Post Local Government Election 2005
744 2010 21/June vol 13 no 6 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1015 2003 October Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for the Decentralization Support Program
743 2010 18 June vol 13 no 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
742 2010 17/June vol 13 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
741 2010 16/June vol 13 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
740 2010 15 June vol 13 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
739 2010 12 June vol 13 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
738 2010 11/June vol 12 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
737 2010 25/Mar vol 11 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
736 2010 15/Mar vol 10 no 24 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
735 2010 12/Mar vol 10 no 23 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1014 1998 May E/Cost Rs. 362 Crore Sarhad Tourism Corporation Various Department List II Promotion & Development of Tourism in NWFP
734 2010 11/Mar vol 10 no 22 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
733 2010 9/Mar vol 10 no 20 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
732 2010 8/Mar vol 10 no 20 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1013 1998 May Sarhad Tourism Corporation Various Department List II Promotion & Development of Tourism in NWFP
1012 E/Cost Rs. 48.86 (M) Distt: Shangla Various Department List II Rehabilitation of Flood Effected roads in Distt: Shangla
1011 2010-11 April to September E/Cost Rs. 200.646 (M) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook Board Peshawar Various Department List II Provision of Supplementary Reading Materials(SRMs) in Govt: Schools in KPK(Non ADP)
1010 2009-10 to 2011-12 E/Cost Rs. 3725.139 (M) Elementary & Secondary Education Dept: Various Department List II Establishment of 1000 Primary Schools in NWFP (B&G) on need basis
1009 2007-2008 ADP No. 105/50337(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 50.980 (M) Various Department List II Establishment of Govt: Degree for Boys at Amakhel Distt: Tank
731 2010 6/Mar vol 10 no 19 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates