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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
812 2011 2/May vol 18 no 11 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
811 2011 29/Apr vol 18 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
810 2011 26/Apr vol 18 no 9 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
809 2011 25/Apr vol 18 no 8 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
808 2011 22/Apr vol 18 no 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
807 2011 19/Apr vol 18 no 6 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
806 2011 18/Apr vol 18 no 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
805 2011 15/Apr vol 18 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
804 2011 12/Apr vol 18 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
803 2011 11/Apr vol 18 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
802 2011 8/Apr vol 18 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1076 - 2004 January W Wien & Associates Various Department List II Technical & Financial Proposal for Institutional Strengthening of the Provincial Finance Commission, Decentralization Support, Provincial Program Support Office, NWFP under Loan No. 1937(SF) Islamic Republic of Pakistan/TA1 LPGE
801 2011 25/Mar vol 17 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1075 2004 December Human Resources Development Institute(HRDI) Various Department List II Technical Proposal for Capacity Building of the District Human Resource Development Officers (HRDO)
1074 Decentralization Support Program PPSO NWFP Various Department List II Institutional Situation Analysis Report of Local Fund Audit Department NWFP
1073 2001 5 Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Readings in Local Governments Ordinance 2001
1072 2005 September Civil Society Human & Institutional Development Program (CHIP) Various Department List II Technical & Financial Proposal for Introducing Mechanisms for Assessing the Performance of Local Administration & Council
1071 2005 October AHNR Consulting Various Department List II Institutional Strengthening of Zila Accounts Committees
1070 2005 August Decentralization Support Program PPSO NWFP Various Department List II Technical Proposal for Capacity Building of Local Fund Audit Department
1069 2005 University of Peshawar Various Department List II Area Study Centre(Russia, China & Central Asia)
1068 2005 October Decentralization Support Program PPSO Peshawar Various Department List II Financial Proposal for Capacity Building of Local Fund Audit Department
1067 2004 March Decentralization Support Program PPSO Peshawar Various Department List II Technical Proposal for Institutional Strengthening of Zila Accounts Committee(ADB Assisted)
1066 2004 February W Wien & Associates Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Preparation of an Automated Database of Tax and Non-Tax Receipts & Better Taxation Management in Tehsil Municipal Administration Nowshera & Charsadda
1065 2003 October Devolution Support Program (DSP) Various Department List II Expression of Interest Skills Development of Zila Council Secretaries N004
1064 2004 September Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Expression of Interest Technical Support for Liquid Asset Management
1063 2005 August Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Technical Proposal for Capacity Building of Provincial & Local Govt: Officials concerned with implementation of Govt: of NWFP Province Fiscal Transfer Rules 2004
1062 2005 September Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Proposal on Enhancing Civil Accountabilities through involvement of CSOs by Caravan Swat
1061 2003 October Sustainable Development Consultants Various Department List II EOI for Institutional Development of Provincial Finance Commission
1060 2004 March Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Formulation of Strategic Plan Training need Assessment & Networking in Core District level Departments in Abbotabad and Bannu Districts (N203)
1059 2002-2003 Government of NWFP Finance Department Various Department List II White Paper 2002-03
1058 2004 December Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Technical Proposal to Identify Investment Opportunities for the Local Governments Using own Sources
1057 عدم مرکزیت کا امدادی پروگرام Various Department List II ضلعی نگران کمیٹیاں رھنما اصول
1056 2003 October Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Technical Assistance to the Government of Pakistan Ministry of Finance
1055 Technical Support Program(TIPs) Stage-III Various Department List II Decentralization Support Program
1054 2007 March Decentralization Support Program, Lahore Punjab Various Department List II Model Bylaws for District Governments of Punjab
1053 2003 October W Wien & Associates Various Department List II Decentralization Support Program Development of Provincial Finance Commission
800 2011 24/Mar vol 17 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
799 2011 22/Mar vol 17 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
798 2011 18/Mar vol 17 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
797 2011 14/Feb vol 16 no 28 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
796 2011 11/Feb vol 16 no 27 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1052 2004 June Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Institutional Strengthening of Local Government Commission
797 2011 10/Feb vol 16 no 26 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
794 2011 9/Feb vol 16 no 25 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
793 2011 7/Feb vol 16 no 24 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
792 2011 4/Feb vol 16 no 23 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1051 2005 January Local Government Various Department List II Situational Analysis Report TIP-008: Support to Local Government Commission
791 2011 1/Feb vol 16 no 22 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
790 2011 31/Jan vol 16 no 21 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
789 2011 28/Jan vol 16 no 20 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates