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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
975 2010-11 ADP No. 42/100254(2010-11) E/Cost Rs. 52.636 (M) GGHS Surizai Payan Various Department List II Establishment of Govt: Girls High School Surizai Payan under CM Directives
974 2009-2010 ADP No. 47(2009-10) E/Cost Rs. 14.05 (M) 10 NOS in PF-93 Distt: Dir Upper Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Classrooms in NWFP CM Directive
973 2008-09 ADP 2008-09 Cost Rs. 32.878 (M) Various Department List II Office Building for EEF Plot # 21-A, Phase-VII Hayatabad, Peshawar
972 2007-09 Elementary Education Foundation (EEF) NWFP Various Department List II Community Literacy Center (CLC)
971 E/Cost Rs. 0.600 (M) Distt: Chitral Various Department List II Levelling & Dressing of Entire Land for its Conversion into Cricket, Football, Hockey & Volley Ball Ground at Khandanlasht near Degree College Booni UC Charun
970 2007-2008 ADP No. 76/70096(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 84.846 (M) 110 for Distt: Peshawar Various Department List II Construction of Additional 1000 Classrooms in Govt: Primary/Middle/High/Higher Schools in NWFP
969 2009-2010 ADP No. 47/90205 E/Cost Rs. 12.3194 (M) 15-No Additional Classrooms in PF-13 Distt: Nowshera Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Additional Classrooms in Primary Middle & High Schools in KPK(Phase-II)
968 1986-87 May Punjab Assembly Lahore Various Department List II Makhdoom Altaf Ahmad Finance Minister Punjab
967 2010 June Elementary & Secondary Education Dept: KPK Various Department List II Capacity Development Strategy
966 - 2009-2010 ADP NO. 48/90206(2009-10) Total Cost Rs.13.652 (M) GGHS Reshun, GGMS Sonoghur & GPS Shahbronze Owir Various Department List II Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of Govt: Schools in PF-90 Chitral-II Phase-II in NWFP
965 2010-11 ADP NO. 48/90206 E/Cost Rs. 30.000 (M) 5 NOS: Schools Building in Kohat Distt: Various Department List II Reconstruction/Rehabilitation of Building of Govt: Middle High Schools in NWFP Phase-II
964 2010-11 Non-ADP 2010-11 Total Cost Rs. 83.000 (M) Various Department List II Grant Aid to Abdul Wali University Mardan for Deficit Gap
963 2010-11 Non-ADP 2010-11 Total Cost Rs. 135.398 (M) AWKUM Various Department List II Grant in Aid to Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan for the Development of Infrastructure on its original site at Plato, Mardan
713 2009 31/Dec vol 10 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
962 2010-11 Non-ADP 2010-11 Total Cost Rs. 83.000 (M) Various Department List II Grant Aid to Abdul Wali University Mardan for Deficit Gap
712 2009 15/Oct vol 9 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
711 2009 14/Oct vol 9 no 9 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
710 2009 12/Oct vol 9 no 8 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
709 2009 9/Oct vol 9 no 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
708 2009 7/Oct vol 9 no 6 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
707 2009 6/Oct vol 9 no 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
706 2009 5/Oct vol 9 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
705 2009 2/Oct vol 9 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
704 2009 1/Oct vol 9 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
961 - Various Department List II CAE Office Systems CAE House Colonial Way Watford Herts WD24 4PT
703 2009 30/Sep vol 9 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
702 2009 23/June vol 8 no 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
701 2009 22/June vol 8 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
700 2009 20/june vol 8 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
960 2006-2007 ADP No. 92/60008(2006-07) E/Cost Rs. 28.9614 (M) 3-NOS High Schools in D.I Khan Various Department List II Construction/Reconstruction of Buildings of Secondary Schools in NWFP
959 2004-05 ADP No. 264/40300(2004-05) E/Cost Rs. 40.00 (M) Various Department List II Establishment of Mufti Mehmood Public Library in DI Khan Distt
958 2007-2008 ADP No. 79-70105(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 6.732 (M) 1. GMS Karg UC Biari, 2. GGMS Shamlai UC Raj Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 110 Middle Schools to High Level in NWFP
957 2009-2010 E/Cost Rs. 10.200 (M) 1. GHSS Gumbat (6 NOs Classrooms), 2. GGHS Togh Bala (4 NOs Classrooms) Various Department List II Repair/Rehabilitation/Reconstruction of Govt: High/Higher Secondary School in Distt: Kohat (PF-37)
956 2011-12 ADP No. 78/100267(2011-12) E/Cost Rs. 7.100 (M) Construction of Boundary Wall at GDC Thal Distt: Hangu Various Department List II Construction of Library Blocks & Boundary Walls in the Existing Govt: Colleges in KPK
955 2006-2007 ADP No. 93/60010(2006-07) E/Cost Rs. 16.670 (M) GHS Shontala Distt: Dir Lower Various Department List II Establishment of 03 NOS High Schools in NWFP
954 2008-09 ADP No. 36/70105(2008-09) Total Cost Rs. 21.576 (M) GGMS Shoghore, GMS Zhupu Various Department List II Up-Gradation of 110 Middle School to High Status in NWFP 2 NOS in Distt: Chitral
953 2009-2010 ADP No. 47/90205 E/Cost Rs. 1.134 (M) GMS Khushal Ghar (1-Room) Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Additional Classrooms in Govt: Primary, Middle & High Schools in NWFP(10 NOS in Distt: Malakand)
952 2009-2010 ADP No. 47/90205 E/Cost Rs. 4.491 (M) GGMS Abass Kalay (4-Classrooms) Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Additional Classrooms in Govt: Primary, Middle & High Schools in NWFP(10-NOS in Distt: Malakand)
951 2009-2010 ADP No. 47/90205 E/Cost Rs. 1.134 (M) GHS No.2 Dargai (1-Room) Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Additional Classrooms in Govt: Primary, Middle & High Schools in NWFP(10 NOS in Distt: Malakand)
950 2009-2010 ADP NO. 81/90051(2009-10) E/Cost Rs. 10.376 (M) Special Repair to Govt: Post Graduate College Kohat Various Department List II Provision of Special Repair in Govt: Colleges in NWFP
949 2009-2010 ADP No. 47/90205 E/Cost Rs. 4.491 (M) GMS Hazrat Manan Koroona(4 Classrooms) Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Additional Classrooms in Primary, Middle & High Schools in NWFP(10 NOS in Distt: Malakand)
948 2008-09 ADP No. 71(2008-09) E/Cost Rs. 1.983 (M) Provision of Additional in Govt: Girls College Takht Bhai Distt: Mardan Various Department List II Provision of Additional Facilities in Govt: College
699 - 2009 19/june vol 8 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
698 - 2009 17/June Vol 8 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
697 - 2009 17/Mar VOL 7 NO 8 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
947 2008-09 ADP No. 71/80395 2008-09 E/Cost Rs. 0.93 (M) Suigas Fitting in Govt: Girls Degree College Thana Distt: Malakand Various Department List II Provision of Additional Facilities in Govt: Colleges
696 - 2009 13/Mar vol 7 no 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
695 - 2009 12/Mar vol 7 no 6 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
694 - 2009 11/Mar vol 7 no 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
693 - 2009 6/Mar vol 7 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates