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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
1145 1909 Reports P&D Department A collection of Treaties Engagements and San ads.
1144 1909 Reports P&D Department A Collection of Treaties Engagements and Sanads
1143 1909 Reports P&D Department A Collection of Treaties Engagements and Sanads
1142 1909 Reports P&D Department A Collection of Treaties Engagements and Sanads
1141 1909 Reports P&D Department Memoranda on Native States in India
1140 1908-09 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Local Funds.
1139 1908-09 Reports P&D Department Statistics of India Proceeding Commercial
1138 1908-09 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceedings Finance and Revenue
1137 1908-09 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Area population and public Health.
1136 1908-09 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceedings Administrative and Judicial
1135 1908-09 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceedings Commercial Services
1134 1907-08 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceedings Administrative and Judicial.
1133 1907-08 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Area population ana Fuuti. Health
1132 1907-08 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Industrial Relating Factories Mills Mines etc
1131 1907-08 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceedings Educational Relating Education Printing Presses and Publication
1130 1907-08 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceedings Local Funds Relating Municipalities Local Boards and Part Trusts
1129 1907-08 III Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Commercial Services Relating Post Office Telegraphs Railways and Irrigation
1128 1907-08 Reports P&D Department Statistics on British India Proceeding Finance and Revenue- Relating Principal Heads.of Revenue Land Revenue Opium Salt Stamps Customs Etc
1127 1907 Reports P&D Department Memoranda on Native States in India
1126 1906-07 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Judicial Civil and General Justice Jails Police etc
1125 1906-7 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Judicial Civil and General Justice Jails Police etc
1124 1906-7 Reports P&D Department Statistics of British India Proceeding Judicial Civil and General Justice Jails Police etc
1123 1906 Reports P&D Department Indian Trees Account of Trees Shrubs woody, climbers, Bamboos and Palms Indigenous or Commonly Cultivated in the British Indian Empire
1122 1903 Report P&D Department Proceeding of the Council of the Governor General of India Laws and Royal
1121 1902 Land P&D Department Land Revenue Policy Land Revenue Policy of the India Concenment
1120 1898 Reports P&D Department Abstract of the Proceedings of the Council of the Governor General of Laws and Regulation with India
1119 1897 Reports P&D Department Abstract of the Proceedings of the Council of the Governor General of Laws and Regulation with India
1118 1894 Reports P&D Department Abstract of the Proceedings of the Council of the Governor General of Laws and Regulation with India
1117 1893 Reports P&D Department Dictionary of the Economic Products of India.
1116 1894 Reports P&D Department Royal commission on Opium Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Opium with Appendices
1115 - 1892 Reports P&D Department The Land Systems of British India
1114 1897 Land P&D Department The Land Systems of British India
1113 1888 Reports P&D Department History of the Sikhs on Translation of the Sikhan De Rai Di Viknjo
1112 1887 Reports P&D Department Distance table of strategic points on the beyond the N.W.F.p of India
1111 1887 Reports P&D Department Archeological Survey of India Report of Tours in Burdelkhnad and Malna
1110 1877 Reports P&D Department History of Khokand (from the commencement of russian intercourse until the final subjugation of the country by that power
1109 1877 Reports P&D Department Abstract of the Proceedings of the council of the Govenor General of India
1108 1871-77 Reports P&D Department Report for the year
1107 1871-74 Reports P&D Department Report of a Tour in Bundelkhand and Malwa 1871-72 and in the Central Provinces 1973-74
1106 1106 Reports P&D Department Trade of India with Easten Turkestan
1105 1857 Reports P&D Department Indian Infanticide its origin progress and repression.
1104 1992 Civil List P&D Department Govemment of Pakistan Stablishment Division Gradation.List of Officers of District Management
1103 1966-68 Civil List P&D Department The Civil Service Report of the Cornmitree
1102 1963 Civil List P&D Department Revenue of Pay Scales of Non-Gazetted Govemment Servants
1101 1960 Civil List P&D Department Government of WestPakistan Agent to the Governor General in Baluchistan Revenue Officers hand Book
1100 1959 I Civil List P&D Department History of Services Gazetted Oflircers Serving under West Pakistan Government
1099 - 1959 I Civil List P&D Department History of Services Gazetted Oflircers Serving under West Pakistan Government
1098 1953 Civil List P&D Department Yearly List of Officers Serving in the NWFP.
1097 1951 Civil List P&D Department History of Services of the Gazetted Government Servants
1096 1951 Civil List P&D Department History of Services of the Gazetted Govenment Servants.