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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
783 1944 Economic P&D Department International Labour office constitutional Provisions concerning social and economic policy
782 A 1938-39 Economic P&D Department Bureau of Economic Intelligence in the United provinces Wheat
782 1929 Economic P&D Department The industries and Economic Resources
781 - Cooperative P&D Department Success and Failures of Cooperative Societies in NWFP
780 1972 Cooperative P&D Department Cooperative Dilemma
779 1972 Cooperative P&D Department West Pakistan cooperative review
778 1970 Cooperative P&D Department A comparative study of farming on cooperative & Individual lines
777 1969 Cooperative P&D Department Cooperative Housing in the United States
776 1960 Cooperative P&D Department Cooperative Management and Administration
775 1959 Cooperative P&D Department Cooperative Housing
774 1955 Cooperative P&D Department Cooperative marketing for agricultural producers
773 1929 Cooperative P&D Department The NWFP Cooperative Manual
772 1980 Conference P&D Department Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
771 1925 Conference P&D Department International Labour Conf'erence Report -VIII Migrant Workers
770 1974 Conference P&D Department Conference on Administrative Reforms held at Pakistan Administrative Staff College Papers and Report
769 1968 Conference P&D Department Paciflc Conf'erence on Urban Growth the New Urban Debate A conference Repot
768 1968 Conference P&D Department Cento Conference on combating Malnutrition in Preschool Children
767 1968 Conference P&D Department Cento Conference on combating Malnutrition in Preschool Children
766 1960 Conference P&D Department Intemational Labour Organization Afiican Regional Conference Relations between Employers and Workeers
765 1960 Conference P&D Department International Labour Organization African Regional Conference vocational and Technical Traininn
764 1946 Conference P&D Department International Labour Conference Director's Renort
763 1946 Conference P&D Department International Labour Conferenc Constitutional questions part-2 DraftAgreement between the United Nations and International Labour Organization
762 1945 Conference P&D Department International labor conference twenty seventh session Paris Matters arising out of the consititutional committee Part 2 Revision of the Form and Arrangement of the Standing of the Conference
761 1938 III Conference P&D Department international labour conference generalization of the reduction of hours of work coal Mines
760 1937 constabulary P&D Department Quarterly Composition And Distribution Return of the Frontier constabulary in the NWFP
759 1936 constabulary P&D Department Equipment Tables of the Frontier Constabulary in the NWFP
758 1926 constabulary P&D Department Quarterly Composition & Distribution Retry of the Frontier Constabulary in the NWFP
757 1985 Constitution P&D Department The constitution ofthe Islamic Republic of Pakistan
756 1985 Constitution P&D Department Comparative Statement of the Constitution as it stood Before the 2 March 1985 and as it stands after that date.
755 1985 Constitution P&D Department Comparative Statement of the Constitution as it stood Before the 2 March 1985 and as it stands after that date.
754 1962 Constitution P&D Department The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
753 1973 Constitution P&D Department The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
752 1968 Constitution P&D Department The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (with Appendices and Index)
751 1956 Constitution P&D Department The Constitution of the lslamic Republic of Pakistan
750 1975 III Civil List P&D Department List of Persons Repatriated from Bangladesh & Nepal through Karachi
749 - 1968 Civil List P&D Department Gradabion List of of the Civil Service of Pakistan
748 1968 II Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
747 1968 II Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
746 1968 II Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
745 1968 II Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
744 1968 II Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
743 1968 I Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
742 1968 I Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
741 1968 I Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
740 1968 I Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
739 1968 I Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
738 A 1951 Civil List P&D Department The West Pakistan Civil List
738 1951 I Civil List P&D Department West Punjab Civil List
737 1950 Civil List P&D Department Administrative Directory of the Govemment of Pakistan
736 1949 Civil List P&D Department West Punjab Civil List