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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
1343 1962 Labour P&D Department International Labour Govt Services for the Improvement of Labour Management Relations and Settlement of Disputes
1342 1962 Labour P&D Department International Labour Manasement Relations Series No.l2.
1341 1954 Labour P&D Department Intemational Conference on the Role of Emolovers and Workers in Prosremmes.
1340 1949 Labour P&D Department International Labour Conference Report on the Report on the Application of Conventions.
1339 1946 Labour P&D Department International Labour Conference Reports on the Application of Conventions.
1338 1946 Labour P&D Department International Labour Conference on the Protection of Children and Youne Workers
1337 1946 Labour P&D Department International Labour Conference of the Protection of Children and Youns Workers
1336 1940 Labour P&D Department international Labour Conference of the Organization of Labour Inspection.
1335 1939 Labour P&D Department Intemational Labour Conference of the of Regulation of Contracts of Employment of Indigenous Workers
1334 1939 Labour P&D Department International Labour Conference Reduction of Hours of Work in Coal Mines.
1333 1939 Industries P&D Department International Labour Conference Recruiting Policing and Conditions of Labour (Equality of Treatment) of Migrant Workers
1332 1937 Industries P&D Department International Labour Conference Record of Proceedings.
1331 1989 Industries P&D Department International Labour Conference Revision of the Fee Charging Employment.
1330 1989 Industries P&D Department Govt of NWFP Industrial Investment in NWFP
1329 1983 Industries P&D Department Evaluation of Industrial Units in FATA
1328 1983 Industries P&D Department Small Scale Industry in NWFP Problems and Prospects
1327 1982 Industries P&D Department Industrial Project of the NWFP.
1326 1980-86 II Industries P&D Department Potential of the Engineer4ing Industry for the Manufacture of Industrial Machinery in Pakistan
1325 1980 Industries P&D Department Hand Knotted Carpet Industry of Pakistan
1324 1977 Industries P&D Department The Livestock Industry of the NWFP.
1323 1976 I Industries P&D Department Potential of the Engineering Industry for the Manufacture of Industrial Machinery in Pakistan
1322 1976 I Industries P&D Department Potential of the Engineering Industry for the Manufacture of Industrial Machinery in Pakistan
1321 1974 Industries P&D Department Industrial Concentration and Economic Power in Pakistan
1320 1973 Industries P&D Department Note on Growth Points in the Export Industry.
1319 1970-71 Industries P&D Department Annual Report Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry Peshawar
1318 1969 Industries P&D Department Working paper on new lines of Industrialization for the Forth Five Year Plan.
1317 1968 Industries P&D Department Dir Forest Industries Complex.
1316 1968 Industries P&D Department Pakistan key Economic Indicators.
1315 Industries P&D Department Methods of selecting Industries for depressed areas
1314 - 1962 Industries P&D Department Chemical Industries Committee Principles and Methods for Determining extra rates for shift work and overtime in the chemical Industries.
1313 1960 Income Tax P&D Department Industries for Foreign Investment
1312 1951 Income Tax P&D Department The Production of Tobacco.
1311 Income Tax P&D Department Report of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce
1310 1929 Income Tax P&D Department The Industries and Economic Resources of the NWFP.
1309 1976-73 Income Tax P&D Department Income-Tax Guide.
1308 1974 Income Tax P&D Department Double Taxation of Income and Capital
1307 1948 Income Tax P&D Department Provincial Taxation under Autonomy
1306 1939-40 Income Tax P&D Department Annual Returns of the Income Tax Department. NWFP
1305 1914-15 Income Tax P&D Department Annual Retums of the Income Tax Department. NWFP
1304 1914-15 Income Tax P&D Department Brief Note on Income Tax Operations in the NWFP.
1303 1913-14 Income Tax P&D Department Brief Note on Income Tax Operations in the NWFP.
1302 1910-11 Income Tax P&D Department Brief Note on Income Tax Operations in the NWFP.
1301 1908-09 Income Tax P&D Department Brief Note on Income Tax Operations in the NWFP.
1300 1905-06 Income Tax P&D Department Brief Note on Income Tax Operations in the NWFP.
1299 1964 Reports P&D Department Report on Labour Conditions in the Cotton Ginning and Baling Industrial Govt of India.
1298 1964 Reports P&D Department Govt in Rural India. An Introduction to contemporary District Administration.
1297 1950 Reports P&D Department Tata Quarterly a review of Economic Financial Conditions in India.
1296 1950 Reports P&D Department Aligarh Muslim University Publications on Indian Insect Types
1295 1949 Reports P&D Department Delhi Agreernent Minutes of the Inter Dominion Conference.
1294 1948 Reports P&D Department The Indian lnsurance Year Bank.