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File Record Detail (Record Foun 26645)

S. No File No Period Source SubHead Pages Subject/Summary
435 b-111/2-22/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 1- Creation of Police station with three Police posts. 2-Creation of six Police Station in indus kohistan of hazara district.
428 b111/2-144/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 Transportation charges etc of frontier constabulary for assisting the police department.
427 b111/2-8/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 upgradation of post of sub inspector into that of inspector and head constable into that of ASI in the forensic science laboratory north west frontier province (NWFP).
426 - 1975 Finance Department General 23 Emergency police force.
425 b111/2-168/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 Meeting and minutes of provincial telecommunication committee.
424 b111/2-72/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 Merger of the pakistan special police establishment with the provincial police cadres and implementation thereof.
423 b111/2-24/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 Increase in straight prosecuting sub-inspectors in north west frontier province (NWFP).
422 b111/2-89/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 purchase of evacuee property by the police department and payment of compensation.
421 - 1975 Finance Department General 23 Re-instatement of government service retired under west pakistan government (further usefulness in public service rules 1963 creation of supernumerary posts. )
420 b11/8-2/1980 1980 Finance Department General 23 schedule of new expenditure for 1984-85 under function classification G-300 community services 320 public health services demand no. 18.
419 - 1984 Finance Department General 23 schedule of new expenditure for 1984 under function classification G-210 administration of justice high court and subordinate court demand no.11.
418 b11/8-7/1984-85 1984-85 Finance Department General 23 SNE for 1984-85 in respect of law department.
417 b11/10-4/1984-85 1984-85 Finance Department General 23 working paper irrigation department meeting held on 14-1-1985.
416 b11/8-7/1983-84 1983-84 Finance Department General 23 Schedule of new expenditure for 1983-84 in respect of law department.
415 - 1982-83 Finance Department General 23 Appeal under the electricity act 1910.
414 - 1979 Finance Department General 22 Proposals regarding conversion of temporary posts created prior to 1-6-1972 (non developmental) into permanent posts with effect from 1-6-1979 (P.N.E)
413 b11/1-50/74 1974-75 Finance Department General 22 Grant file for the year 1974-75 under the head "25-G-A-E(2) sub divisional establishment."
412 - 1973-74 Finance Department General 22 Material file for the year 1973-74 under head "25-GA-D commissioner. "
411 b11/1-4/1972-73 1972-73 Finance Department General 22 grant file under head "9-stamps for the year 1972-73."
410 b11/1-4/72-73 1972-73 Finance Department General 22 grant file 25 G.A E -3 establishment E-3 copying agency estate.
409 b11/1-4/72-73 1972-73 Finance Department General 22 25 G.A c-(13) local fund audit establishment.
408 b11/1-43/73-74 1973-74 Finance Department General 22 grant file under head "25-G.a c(13) local fund audit establishment for the year 1973-74."
407 b11/1-49/73-74 1973-74 Finance Department General 22 grant file under head "25-G. a " other establishment B-3(2) reclamation and probation organization for the year 1973-74.
406 b11/1-2/1972-73 1972-73 Finance Department General 22 grant file under head "7-land revenue for the year 1972-73."
405 b11/1-20/72-73 1972-73 Finance Department General 22 grant file under head "54 relief for the year 1972-73."
404 b11/16-6/72-73 1972-73 Finance Department General 22 Grant file under head "11-registration for the year 1972-73."
403 b11/1-4/71 1971 Finance Department General 22 Grant file for 1971-72 under head 9-stamps.
402 - 1970-71 Finance Department General 22 Grant file for 1970-71 under head "9 stamps."
401 b11/3-65/70-71 1970-71 Finance Department General 22 Material file / budget estimate for 1971-72 under head IX stamps IX stamps ...
400 b11/3-63/70-71 1970-71 Finance Department General 22 Material file / budget estimate for....budget....
399 - 1974-75 Finance Department General 22 Grant file for .... under the head 71-capital on scheme of agriculture and improvement research.
398 b11/10-13/78 1978 Finance Department General 22 Proposal regarding chashma right bank canal scheme for 1978-79.
397 b11/10-44/78 1978 Finance Department General 22 Provincial of bar council...
396 b11/5-10/78 1978 Finance Department General 22 Fixations of yardstick respect of AM & R of irrigation department works.
395 b11/8-6/1979 1979 Finance Department General 22 SNE proposals for 1979-80 "27-admin of justice A-high courts."
394 b11/10-33/79 1979 Finance Department General 22 Small hydel station in north west frontier province (NWFP).
393 b11/10-30/78 1978 Finance Department General 22 issue of notification regarding Abiana.
392 b11/8-57/79 1979 Finance Department General 22 Proposals regarding conversion of temporary posts created prior to 1-6-1972 (non-developmental into permanent posts with effect from 1-6-1979 under head "17(i) working expenses and charges on ..")
391-B - 1975-76 Finance Department General 21 Grant file 75-76 under head 2.5 G-a reclamation and.... organization.
391 - 1977 Finance Department General 21 Creation of posts etc: other correspondence etc: regarding high court.
390 b11/10-12/1977 1977 Finance Department General 21 Representation / claims of contractors pertaining to various contract-agreement.
389 b11/10-18/77 1977 Finance Department General 21 i-Meeting reg: matters pertaining to the high court peshawar. ii- creation of posts in high court peshawar.
388 b11/10-3/75 1975 Finance Department General 21 Minutes of the provincial coordination and under provincial coordination meeting held at peshawar may, 8/197.
387 - 1975 Finance Department General 21 Proposals for SNE 1979-80 under head "17(i) irrigation working expenses and establishment charges."
386 b11/10-7/75 1975 Finance Department General 21 Conversion of work charged estat into regular estat....
385 - 1975 Finance Department General 21 Office order and general instruction of Miscellaneous nature.
384-B - - Finance Department General 21 Grant file of 75-76 under head 25-... local fund audit estat.
384 - 1975 Finance Department General 21 Minutes of the meeting for the finalization of organizational .. for kohistan development project.
383 - 1975 Finance Department General 21 Release of one cror rupees to the provincial government for recent floods relief. ii- relief and re-construction of flood damages iii- ... clearance of drans / canals.
382 - 1975 Finance Department General 21 conversion of work charged ... into require estate.