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File Record Detail (Record Foun 26645)

S. No File No Period Source SubHead Pages Subject/Summary
533-A - 1975 Finance Department General 0 Police organization Reforms in pakistan meeting and minutes file.
533 - 1980-81 Finance Department General 28 Material file u/h 54-Relief for the year 1980-81.
532 1/15/B-III/FD/83-84 1983-84 Finance Department General 28 Grant file u/h 028 superannuation allowance and pension for the year 1983-84.
531 - 1980-81 Finance Department General 28 Grant file under head 512....for the year 1980-81.
530 5/15/B-III/FD/80-81 1980-81 Finance Department General 28 SNE u/h 54-Relief for the year 1980-81.
529 3/15-BIII/FD/1980-81 1980-81 Finance Department General 28 XI-Registration receipt for the year 1980-81.
528 3/14-BIII/FD/80-81 1980-81 Finance Department General 28 IX-stamps (Receipt) for the year 1980-81.
526 BIII/5-2/76 1976-77 Finance Department General 28 SNE... 7-land revenue.
525 B-III/1-13/76-77 1976-77 Finance Department General 28 Grant file 54-Receipt.
524 B-III/1-2/76-77 1976-77 Finance Department General 28 7-Land revenue.
523 BIII/1-2/75-76 1975-76 Finance Department General 28 Grant file from the year 1975-76 under the head
522 - 1978-79 Finance Department General 28 Grant file u/h 34- relief for 1978-79.
521 3/4-BIII/FD/81-82 1981-82 Finance Department General 28 Material file u/h (stamps duties) for the year 1981-82.
520 - 1975 Finance Department General 28 Creation of post of patwaris in Dera ismail khan (D.I. khan) district.
519 5/2-B-III/FD/78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 28 SNE (fresh and continued under the head "7-land revenue" 1977-79).
518 - 1979-80 Finance Department General 28 SNE (Fresh and continued under the "11 Registration" 1977-80.)
517 3/2-BIII/FD/79-80 1979-80 Finance Department General 28 Material file u/h 7-land revenue.
516 3/12-B-III/78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 28 VII-land revenue (Receipt) for the year 1978-80.
515 B-III/1-76-77 1976-77 Finance Department General 27 9- Stamps.
514-A 1/5/B-III/FD/79/80 1979-80 Finance Department General 27 Grant u/h 11-Registration for the year 1979-80.
514 4/5/B-III/FD/78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 27 Grant file u/h 11 Registration for the year 1978-79.
513 B-III/3-2/18/78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 27 7- Land Revenue for the year 1977-79.
512 3/5/B-III/FD 78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 27 Registration Receipt file for the year 1978-80.
511 B-III/5-2/78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 27 SNE 7-Land Revenue.
510 1/2-B-III/FD/78-79 1978-79 Finance Department General 27 Grant file u/h 7-land revenue for 1978-79.
509 - 1977-78 Finance Department General 27 Budget estimates (Non- developmental) for the year 1977-78 under head "54-relief."
508 B-III-3-69/71 1971 Finance Department General 27 Distribution of central taxes between the provinces in....
507 2-184/76 1976 Finance Department General 27 Absorption of ex-state employees.
506 6/21-B-III/72-FD 1972 Finance Department General 27 Collection of minutes of the meeting on developmental schemes 1972-73 and 1973-74 with other connected correspondence.
505 B-III/2-185/76 1976 Finance Department General 27 Land Reform in north west frontier province (NWFP).
504 B-III/2-177/75 1975 Finance Department General 27 Matters relating to the provincial coordination committee meetings security of WAPDA Installation.
503 BIII/2/66/75 1975 Finance Department General 27 Miscellaneous file regarding Home department... work charges.
502 1975 Finance Department General 27 Sanction to the provision and staff for Excise taxation department u/h and provincial excise.
501 - Finance Department General 27 Grant subsidy to the G.H.Q in Lieu of concession of entertainment duty previously admissible to armed forces personnel.
500 - - Finance Department General 27 Relief commissioner. earthquake of .....
499-A - 1975 Finance Department General 27 grant of additional funds annual secret service fund to police department.
499 B-III/2-134/75 1975 Finance Department General 27 Police Reforms in north west frontier province (NWFP).
498 - 1975 Finance Department General 27 creation of supplementary posts civil appear government of North west frontier province (NWFP) versus mr. fateh khan constable and others.
497 B-III/2-115/75 1975 Finance Department General 27 Temporary increase in the strength of hazara district in connection with Tarbela dam project.
496 BIII/5-4/75 1975 Finance Department General 27 General file except budget instructions.
495 - 1975 Finance Department General 26 Recovery of ... district nomination ...
494 - 1975 Finance Department General 26 Continuance of PAR converted into Special line police.
493 - 1979-80 Finance Department General 26 IX Stamps Receipt file for 1979-80.
492 - 1975 Finance Department General 26 ....Abortion Swat militia
491 - 1975 Finance Department General 26 Provincial internal security committee meetings and minutes.
490 - 1975 Finance Department General 26 AMB Administration.
489 - 1975 Finance Department General 26 Absorption of east pakistan ... officials who have west pakistan and now are presently serving in the intelligence bureau on deputation ..
488 - 1974 Finance Department General 26 Tarbela Dam Project Continuance of Police Guard supplied to other department.
487 - - Finance Department General 26 Schedule of new expenditure for the year 1971-72 pertaining to chitral district connection with merger of Dir, Swat and chitral.
486 3/16-BIII/FD/83-84 1983-84 Finance Department General 26 Receipt u/h 0280 M.V.A (Receipt) for the year 1983-84