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File Record Detail (Record Foun 26645)

S. No File No Period Source SubHead Pages Subject/Summary
38 170 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 3 Trial of Madda khel and other madda khel in connection with the attack on Mr. Gee's party at maizar.
37 169 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 3 Trial of madda khel ... connection with attack an mr. gee's party at maizar.
35-B 167 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 3 Attack on Gee's party at maizar in the Tochi.
35-A 167 1897 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 3 Attacks on .. escort and major on 18th june 1897. tochi series.
35 167 1897 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 3 Attack an Miscellaneous...maizar and attitude mohmand and other .. tochi series.
34 165 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 3 Agricultural arrangement in Tochi wana. 1898
21-A 107 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Consideration of ... of establishment in south waziristan, narai oba, shahur, inzar...
33 164 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Acquisition of land for the posts in tochi valley.
32 163 1896 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 British position in the Darwesh khel country.
31 162 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Occupation of the Tochi valley and proposals for the establishment for its arrangement. 1895.
30 161 1900 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Levy of Thal in the tochi valley.
29 159 1892-93 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Tani affairs.... sherindil governor of khost.
28 138 1880 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Working of the Kurram river bannu thal....route.
27 137 1887-90 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Expolaration of Tochi route and road, thal and bahadur khel.
26 136 1890-93 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Opening of Gumatti, thal, spinwam, tochi routes, (Maps) etc.
25 135 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 opening of thal route.spinwam.
24 127 1898-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Settlement of tribal ... between british government and afghan .. arrival of raid mullah for the purpose of 1898-99.
23-A 126 1898-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Inter-tribal cross-.... between the british afghan subjects 1900.
23 126 1898-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Settlement of claims on account of offences committed sides of the afghan waziri boundary.
22 125 1896 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Arrangements for a meeting between british and afghan officials for the settlement of cases.
21 124 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Settlement of Dispute British ...and afghan...
20 123 - Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Correspondence between the government of india and the amir afghanistan regarding raids committed on either side of the border.
19 122 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 2 Settlement of Waziri and Tani Dispute with Government of Khost. 1895.
18 120 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Raids lay Waziristan into Afghan Territory. 1898.
17 106 1895-98 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Government of Posts on the Tochi Valley.
16 101 1896-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Punjab Frontier policy waziristan 1896.
15 100 1890 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Transformation Policy Punjab Government.
14 97 1872 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Press Responsibility in the border of the bannu district.
13 86 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Constitution of Civil post at Miranshah 1899.
12 86 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Construction of a Civil Post at Miranshah. 1899.
11 80 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Organization of militia corps for southern and northern waziristan 1899.
10 79 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Composition of the committee to consider points in connection with the organization of new militia corps in northern and southern waziristan.
9 78 1898-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Constitution and reorganization of the Tochi levies 198.
8 78 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Constitution and Reorganization of the Tochi levies 1898. Tochi militia.
5-C 54 1895-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Jurisdiction over offences in Waziristan.
5-B 33 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Delimitation of the Tochi section of Waziristan commencing from 1st july 1895.
7 53 1899 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Fixing of the Political... of the Deputy Commissioner Bannu and Political officer Tochi.
6 34 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Opening of thal route, Demarcation of Turi Waziri boundary.
5-A 7 - Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Maliks and service allowances to tribes in northern waziristan.
5 33 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Delimitation of the Tochi Valley etc.
4 8 1895-99 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Allowances to Darwesh khel and Dawars in the Tochi commencing from the 9th... Proposal to re-open the route from Edwardesabad to thal by the kurram river.
3 6 1898 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Allowances to Madda khels 1898.
2 5 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Allowances to Tribes in northern waziristan Darwesh khels, Dawar.
1 4 1895 Office of Commissioner Derajat Derajat's Record 1 Grant of Tribal allowances in the Tochi valley. 1895
434 - 1975 Finance Department General 23 Continuance of central police officers in north west frontier province (NWFP).
433 B-III/2-20/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 Increase in rate of feeding charges of government houses.
432 - 1975 Finance Department General 23 conversion of temporary posts into permanent in the office of I.G police north west frontier province (NWFP).
431 - 1975 Finance Department General 23 conversion of temporary posts into permanent of 34-FR
430 - 1975 Finance Department General 23 Raising of ten palatoons of additional police force.
429 B-III/2-139/75 1975 Finance Department General 23 Upgradation of various kind of posts to police department in north west frontier province (NWFP)