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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
1163 Abbottabad Conservation Strategy Various Department List II Sectoral Paper on Drinking Water in Abbottabad District
1162 2005 May Decentralization Support Program PPSO Peshawar Various Department List II Inception Report of the Development of Planning Manual
1161 2003 October Decentralization Support Program (Abacus Consulting) Various Department List II Development of Guide Book to support effective use of Budget Manuals at the District Level & Compilation of DDO Handbook
1160 2006 November Policy Dialogue Program Various Department List II Policy Dialogue on Access to Justice
1159 2007 October Decentralization Support Program PPSO Various Department List II Contract Agreement between Provincial Director-DSP and MS. Shazia Tehmas for TIP N-003
1158 2006 June Decentralization Support Program Finance Department Government of Balochistan Various Department List II Launch Seminar of Governance & Gender Mainstreaming on Success Stories of Balochistan
1157 2003-2004 Government of Sindh Finance Department Various Department List II Report on Implementation of Sindh PFC Awards During 2003-04
1156 Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Investment Policy
1155 2004 June Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Various Department List II Public Procurement Rules 2004
1154 2004 Finance Department Various Department List II Provincial Finance Commission Award-2004
1153 1987-88 Urdu Budget Speech Various Department List II English Translation of Mian Muhammad Yasin Khan Watto Finance Minister's
1152 2005 December Report No PK-32764 Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, South Asia Region World Bank Various Department List II پاکستان شمال مغربی سرحدی صوبہ کا اقتصادی جائزہ
1151 2004 October عدم مرکزیت کا امدادی پروگرام صوبائ پروگرام سپورٹ آفس صوبہ سرحد Various Department List II اراکین اکائونٹس کمیٹی کیلۓ رھنما کتاب
1150 2006 January Asian Development Bank(ADB) Various Department List II Guidelines for Preparing Performance Evaluation Reports for Public Sector Operations
1149 2003 February Fazal Rabbi Chairman SHEJ NGO Various Department List II Training of Women Councilor for Awareness and their Effective Participation in Economics Development
1148 2004 March Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Various Department List II Formulation of Strategic Plan Training need Assessment & Networking in Core District level Departments in Abbottabad and Bannu Districts (N203)
1147 2005 December Report No PK-32764 Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit, South Asia Region World Bank Various Department List II پاکستان شمال مغربی سرحدی صوبہ کا اقتصادی جائزہ
1146 2004 October عدم مرکزیت کا امدادی پروگرام صوبائ پروگرام سپورٹ آفس صوبہ سرحد Various Department List II اراکین اکائونٹس کمیٹی کیلۓ رھنما کتاب
1145 Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Integrated Municipal Services Toolkit (IMSTOK)
1144 2005 Planning and Development Department Various Department List II Important Agency/F.R-Wise Socio-Economic Indicators of FATA
1143 2004 June Government of NWFP Finance Department Various Department List II White Paper 2004-2005
1142 2006 October W Wien & Associates Various Department List II Support for Local Government Commission-Interactive Workshops Report
1141 2006 March Decentralization Support Program (DSP) Various Department List II رول بک چار روزہ تربیتی ورکشاپ براۓ اراکین ضلع و تحصیل کونسل
1140 Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II ٹریننگ ماڈیول براۓ ضلع نگران کمیٹی صوبہ سرحد
1139 2003 August IRDS Various Department List II (رھنمااصول براۓ سٹیزن کمیونٹی بورڈ (سی سی بی
1138 2006 February Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Peshawar Various Department List II Financial Proposall for Social Balance Sheet of Education in District Swat
1137 2004 March Asian Development Bank(ADB) Various Department List II Expression of Interest Specialization Diplomas in Public Sector Management-N206
924 2013 28/Oct vol 7 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
923 2013 25/Oct vol 7 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
922 2013 24/Oct vol 7 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
921 2013 23/Oct vol 7 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
919 2013 9/Oct vol 6 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
918 2013 8/Oct Vol 6 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
917 2013 7/Oct vol 6 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
916 2013 1/Oct vol 5 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
915 2013 30/Sep vol 5 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
914 2013 18/Sep Vol 4 No 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
913 2013 17/Dec vol 4 no 6 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1136 - 2003 August Bureau of Statistics Sindh, Karachi Various Department List II Development Statistics of Sindh 2003
1135 2005 February IUCN Pakistan Sindh Program, Karachi Various Department List II Sustainable Development Vision and Conservation Strategy for Badin District
912 2013 16/Sep Vol 4 No 5 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
911 2013 13/Sep vol 4 no 4 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
910 2013 12/Sep vol 4 no 3 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1134 2004 March Abasyn Institute of Management Sciences Various Department List II Specialization Diplomas in Public Sector Management
909 2013 11/Sep vol 4 no 2 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1133 2004 February Iqra University Various Department List II Expression of Interest in Specialization Diplomas in Public Sector Management-N206
908 2013 10/Sep vol 4 no 1 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1132 2004 March Institute of Management Sciences Various Department List II Expression of Interest Specialization Diplomas in Public Sector Management-N206
907 2013 3/July vol 2 no 13 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
906 2013 2/July vol 2 no 12 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates