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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
3766 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Reports and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grants to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for the Road Sector Development Project
3765 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Kingdom of Nepal for the Urban and Environmental Improvement Project
3764 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Reports and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on proposed Loans and Technical Assistance grant to India for the Madhya Pradesh State Roads Sector Development Program
3762 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the community based land rehabilitation and management project
3761 2002 Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to Mongolia for Renewable Energy Development in small Towns and Rural Areas
3760 2002 Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Lao Peopl's Democratic Republic for Preparing the Northern Airports Improvement Project
3759 2002 Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic for the Greater Mekong sub region Northern Economic Corridor Project
3758 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Asian Regionalism and its effects on trade in the 1980'a and 1990's
3757 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Pricing Local Currency Loans in Private Sector Operations
3756 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III How can Cambodia Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam Cope with Revenue lost due to AFTA Traff Reductions
3755 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Kingdom of Cambodia
3754 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grant for the Renewable Energy Development Sector Project to the Indonesia
3753 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Program Cluster of Loans to India for the Modernizing Government and Fiscal Reforms in Kerala Program
3752 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Environment Policy of the ADB
3751 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Housing Finance Project
3750 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the National Power Corporation (NDC) for the Electricity Market and Transmission Development Project
3749 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grant to the Tajikistan for the Agriculture Rehabilitation Project
3748 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the China for the Hebei Province Wastewater Management Project
3747 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Pakistan for Preparing the Federally Administered Tribal Areas Rural Development Project
3746 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the China for Fiscal Management Reforms
3745 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Bangladesh for the Corporatization of the Dhaka Electric Supply Authority
3744 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for Preparing the School Computerization Project
3743 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Tajikistan for strengthening Corporate and Financial Governance Reforms
3741 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the kingdom of Cambodia Lao People's Democratic Republic and Socialist of Vietnm for the Greater Mekong sub region Mekong Tourism Development Reforms
3740 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the upper secondary Education Development Project
3739 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Power Finance Corporation Limit India for the State Power Sector Reform Project
3738 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grant to the Lao People's Democratic republic for the Banking Sector Reform Program
3737 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Review of Cost-sharing Limits for Project Financing as an Element of ADB's 1998 Graduation Policy
3736 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grant to the Indonesia for the Sustainable Capacity Building for Decentralization Project
3735 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Proposed Loan to the China for the Shanxi Road Development II Project
3734 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to Afghanistan for the Post conflict Multi Sector program
3732 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Pakistan for the Punjab Community Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
3731 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan to the Tajikistan and to the Uzbekistan for the Regional Power Transmission modernization Project
3730 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grant to the Kingdom of Cambodia for the Commune Council Development Project
3729 2002 November Asian Development Bank List III Miscellaneous IV Report and Recommendation of the President to the Borad of Directors on Proposed Loans and Guarantees for the Financial (Nonbank) Markets and Governance Program in the Pakistan
3728 2002 Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III ADB Review
3727 A 2002 March Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III ADB at a Glance
3727 2002 October Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Moving Regional Cooperation Forward
3726 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III ADB Review
3725 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III An analysis and case study of the role of environmental economics at the An analysis and case study of the role of environmental economics at the Asian Development Bank
3724 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Handbook for users of Consulting services procedures and Practices
3723 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board of Directors on a proposed Loan and Technical Assistance grant to Tuvalu for the Maritime Training Project
3722 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Modernization and son preference in people's Republic of China
3721 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for Support to the Implementation of Decentralization
3720 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the People's Republic of China for Improving Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of State-owned Enterproses
3719 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance for the Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre
3718 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the China for China for Preparing the Hunan Roads Development Project
3717 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for Preparing the second Lower Secondary Education Development Project
3716 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Technical Assistance to the Peoples Republic of China for Establishing the National Electricity Regularity Commission
3715 2002 September Asian Development Bank List III Asian Development Bank List III Commercialization of Micro finance Bangladesh