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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
485 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a propsed loan to the Kyrgyz
484 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a propsed loan and technical
483 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed loan to the repub
482 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Summary environmental impact assessment of the second road improvement project in the socialist repu
481 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Loan technical assistance and private sector operations approvals
480 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Summary environmental impact assessment of the tractebel khaleej power project in Pakistan
479 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Summary environmental impact assessment of the chongqing expressway project in the peoples republic
478 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Towards effective water policy in the Asian and pacific region
477 1996 May Asian Development Bank List-I Towards effective water policy in the Asian and pacific region
476 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I ADB Business opportunities
475 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Nepal for Nepal for institutional strengthening for rural inf
474 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I "Technical assistance for the establishment of a vegetable research network in Cambodia, Lao PDR, an
473 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the republic of Kazakhstan for strengthening social dervices delivery and fi
472 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance for pacific airlines rationalization
471 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the republic of the Philippines for the second airports project
470 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the Lao peoples democratic republic for the women's education project
469 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance for the cooperation in employment promotion and training in the greater mekong
468 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the kingdom of Cambodia for the textbook publishing planning and management
467 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the second flood protection sector proj
466 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance for the south pacific project facility
465 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed loan to the democ
464 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed loan to the Kingd
463 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed loan to the pepub
462 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Economic review and bank operations Lao People's democratic republic
461 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I "Loan, technical assistance and private sector operations approvals"
460 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Human development: cross cutting concerns
459 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I ADB Publications
458 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Policy on confidentiality and disclosure of information A guidebook
457 1996 April Asian Development Bank List-I Summary of proceedings
456 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I ADB Review
455 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I ADB Business opportunities
454 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the government of India for capacity building of income tax administration
453 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the peoples republic of Bangladesh for the third rural infrastructure develo
452 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance for the 1996 seminars on project implementation administration and training of
451 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the peoples republic of China for all China federation of supply and marketi
450 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the Kyrgyz republic for the revaluation and tariff study for Knehc
449 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the Islamic republic of Pakistan for the honformal education for rural women
448 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Technical assistance to the republic of Indonesia for the education fihance study
447 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Regional technical assistance for subregional environmental training and institutional strengthening
446 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Regional technical assistance for a study of non-governmental organizations in asian developing memb
445 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed loan to the repub
444 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed equity investment
443 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed equity envestment
442 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Report and recommendation of the president to the board of directors on a proposed loan and technica
441 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Economic review and bank operations kingdom of Thailand
440 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I ADB online http://
439 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Summary initial environmental examination of the Indus grid transmission project in the Islamic Repu
438 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Summary environmental impact assessment for the Kali Gandaki Hydroelectric project in Nepal
437 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Summary environmental impact assessment for the Nam Leuk Hydropower project in Lao PDR
436 1996 March Asian Development Bank List-I Country program notes 1996-98