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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
1069 2018 16/Feb vol 27 no 13 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1068 2018 13 Feb vol 27777 no 12 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1067 2018 12 Feb vol 27 no 11 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1066 2018 22 jan vol 27 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1065 19 Jan vol 27 no 9 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1064 2018 16 Jan vol 27 no 8 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1063 2018 15 Jan vol 27 no 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1062 2017 16/June vol 25 no 7 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1061 2017 23 May vol 24 no 14 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1060 2017 22 May vol 24 no 13 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1059 2017 19/May vol 24 no 12 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1058 2017 16/May vol 24 no 11 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1057 2017 15 May vol 24 no 10 Assembly Debates & Addresses of President C.M. etc Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Legislative Assembly Debates
1518 2003 October Decentralization Support Program PPSO NWFP Peshawar Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Skill Development of Secretary Zila Council
1517 Decentralization Support Program PPSO NWFP Peshawar Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Skill Development of Secretary Zila Council
1516 - 2002 Mr. Rasheed Ahmad Provincial Director, Provincial Program Support Office, 56-E, Canal Road, University Town, Peshawar Various Department List II SUNGI سنگی سالانہ رپورٹ 2002
1515 2001 Local Government Various Department List II The NWFP Local Government Ordinance 2001 NWFP Ordinance No XIV of 2001
1514 2005 January Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Project Proposal for Establishment and Strengthening of Model CCBs Introducing, Testing and Documenting Ideal Processes
1513 2005 June Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Report on Policy Dialogue on Citizen Community Boards
1512 Decentralization Support Program Various Department List II Gender in Communication and Leadership (2)
1511 عدم مرکزیت کا امدادی پروگرام صوبائ پروگرام سپورٹ آفس صوبہ سرحد Various Department List II رول بک براۓ ضلع و تحصیل نائب ناظمین
1510 2005 August Decentralization Support Program PPSO Various Department List II Inception Report Formulation of Strategic Plan,Training need Assessment & Networking in the Core District Level Departments in Abbottabad and Bannu Districts
1509 2004 February Semiotics Consultants Various Department List II Formulation of Strategic Plan,Training need Assessment and Networking in the Core District Level Departments in Abbottabad and Bannu Districts
1508 2004 September UNICEF, وزارت صحت حکومت پاکستان Various Department List II ایچ آئی وی ایڈز کی روک تھام میں دینی رھنماوں کا کردار
1507 2004 June Deputy Director DSP Provincial Program Support Office 56-E, Canal Road, University Town Peshawar Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Support for Local Government Commission
1506 2005 August Fincon Consultants Various Department List II Simplified Technical Proposal for Capacity Building of Local Fund Audit Department
1505 2005 April Local Government Various Department List II Project Proposal on Technical Assistance for Operationalization on Zila Accounts Committee in NWFP
1504 2003 I and II Tehsil Municipal Administration Various Department List II 100 Multiple Choice Questions on NWFP District Government and Tehsil Municipal Administration(Budget) Rules 2003
1503 2005 August Decentralization Support Program PPSO NWFP Various Department List II Technical Proposal for Capacity Building of Local Fund Audit Department
1502 2005 January SKYIANS A Non Profile NGO Various Department List II Enhancing Local Accountabilities through Involvement of CSO's in NWFP
1501 2004 February Decentralization Support Program (DSP) NWFP Peshawar Various Department List II Local Government Performance Enhancement (LGPE) Decentralization Support Program (DSP) Institutional Strengthening of Provincial Finance Commission-NWFP
1500 2004 August Fincon Consultants Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Introducing User Charges/Fee Culture and Services Delivery in New TMAs
1499 2004 September AHNR Consulting Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Technical Support for Liquid Assets Management
1498 2004 September Mr. Rashid Ahmad Provincial Project Director,H-56, Street-2A, Shami road Peshawar Various Department List II Development of Planning Manual N-302
1497 2005 April Decentralization Support Program PPSO Peshawar Various Department List II Review of the Existing Situation and Need Assessment of TMA Nowshera and Charsadda for the Preparation of an Automated Database of Tax & Non-Tax Receipts and Better Tax Management
1496 2004 March Thames Business School, Islamabad Various Department List II Expression of Interest Specialization Diplomas in Public Sector Management-N206
1495 2004 March Preston University, Islamabad, Pakistan Various Department List II Expression of Interest for Specialized Diplomas in Public Sector Management
1494 2004-05 ADP No. 451/30128 E/Cost Rs. 39.254 (M) Various Department List II Establishment of Public Library at Mingora Distt: Swat
1493 2007-2008 ADP No. 76/2007-08 E/Cost Rs. 36.370 (M) Construction of 43 Classrooms in High/Higher Secondary Schools in Distt: Mardan Various Department List II Construction of 1000 Classrooms in NWFP
1492 2008-09 ADP No. 72/80396(2008-09) Higher Education, Archives & Libraries Dept: Govt: of NWFP Various Department List II Construction of Staff/Students Hostels in Govt: Colleges in NWFP
1491 2009-2010 ADP No. 76/90045 E/Cost Rs. 3.075 (M) Govt: College Mandian Abbottabad Various Department List II Provision of Water Supply in Govt: Colleges in NWFP
1490 2009-2010 ADP No. 76/90054(2009-2010) E/Cost Rs. 3.122 (M) Distt: Charsadda Various Department List II Provision of Water Supply at Government Post Graduate College Charsadda
1489 2005 E/Cost Rs. 0.268 (M) Distt: Abbottabad Various Department List II Construction building and purchase of piece of land for compound of Madrassa Islamia Lari Vadi Neelan union council Majuhan Distt: Abbottabad under the Chief Minister's NWFP Directives
1488 2007-2008 ADP No. 84(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 16.328 (M) GHS Mian Brangola Distt: Dir Lower Various Department List II Reconstruction of Building of Secondary School in NWFP
1487 2007-2008 ADP No. 84(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 16.328 (M) GHS Mian Brangola Distt: Dir Lower Various Department List II Reconstruction of Building of Secondary School in NWFP
1486 2007-2008 ADP No. 84(2007-08) E/Cost Rs. 16.328 (M) GHS Mian Brangola Distt: Dir Lower Various Department List II Reconstruction of Building of Secondary School in NWFP
1485 2010 February E/Cost Rs. 39.908 (M) Peshawar Museum Various Department List II Improvement of Existing Museum in NWFP (Extension of Peshawar Museum)
1484 2008 April National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) Various Department List II Establishment of 500,000 Adult Literacy Centers in Pakistan
1483 2009 E/Cost Rs. 71.004 (M) Various Department List II Reconstruction of GGHS Badaber Collapsed due to Bomb Explosions
1482 - 2009-2010 ADP No. 709/90195(2009-2010) E/Cost Rs. 2.963 (M) Repair/Renovation of Hockey Stadium in Abbottabad Various Department List II Provision of Sports Facilities in NWFP