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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
2679 1995-96 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Supplementary Budget Statement for 1995-96
2678 1995-96 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Provincial Assembly of NWFP Preliminary Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Accounts of Govt of NWFP
2677 1995-96 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Appropriation Accounts for 1995-96
2676 1995-96 Budget List-II Govt of Pakistan Budget 1995-96
2675 1994-95 Vol-VI Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2674 1994-95 Vol-IV Part-F Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2673 1994-95 Vol-IV Part-E Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2672 1994-95 Vol-IV Part-D Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2671 1994-95 Vol-IV Part-C Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2670 1994-95 Vol-IV Part-B Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2669 1994-95 Vol-IV Part-A Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1994-95
2668 1994-95 Vol-III Part-E Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Current Expenditure
2667 1994-95 Vol-III Part-D Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Current Expenditure
2666 1994-95 Vol-III Part-C Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Current Expenditure
2665 1994-95 Vol-III Part-B Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Current Expenditure
2664 1994-95 Vol-II Part-A Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Estimates of Receipts for 1994-95
2663 1994-95 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Supplementary Budget Statement for 1994-95
2662 1994-95 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Budget Call Circular 1994-95
2661 1994-95 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Annual Budget Statement 1994-95
2660 1994-95 Budget List-II Govt of Pakistan Budget 1994-95
2659 1987-88 Budget List-II English translation of Budget Speech
2658 1993-94 Vol-III Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Budget Memorandum
2657 1993-94 Vol-IV Part-F Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Continued
2656 1993-94 Vol-IV Part-E Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Continued
2655 1993-94 Vol-IV Part-D Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Continued
2654 1993-94 Vol-IV Part-C Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Continued
2653 1993-94 Vol-IGV Part-B Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Continued
2652 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure Development Expenditure for 1993-94
2651 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Expenditure Development Expenditure for 1993-94
2650 1993-94 Vol-III Part-D Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Expenditure Miscellaneous
2649 1993-94 Vol-III Part-C Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Expenditure General Administration
2648 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Expenditure (Health)
2647 1993-94 Vol-III Part-A Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Demands for Grants Expenditure (Education)
2646 1993-94 Vol-II Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Estimates of Receipts for 1993-94
2645 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP White paper Budget 1993
2644 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Annual Budget Statement for 1993-94
2643 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Supplementary Budget Statement for 1993-94
2642 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Appropriation Accounts
2641 1993-94 Budget List-II Govt of Pakistan Budget 1993-94
2640 1992-93 Vol-III Part-D Budget List-II Authorized Estimated Current Expenditure Govt of NWFP Finance Department
2639 1992-93 Vol-III Part-C Budget List-II Authorized Estimated Current Expenditure Govt of NWFP Finance Department
2638 1992-93 Vol-III Part-B Budget List-II Authorized Estimated Current Expenditure Govt of NWFP Finance Department
2637 1992-93 Vol-III Part-A Budget List-II Authorized Estimated Current Expenditure Govt of NWFP Finance Department
2636 1992-93 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 for Supplementary Budget Statement
2635 1992-93 Vol-VI Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 Budget Memorandum
2634 1992-93 Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 for (Fresh& Continued)
2633 1992-93 Vol-IV Part-E Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 for (Continued)
2632 1992-93 Vol-IV Part-D Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 for (Continued)
2631 1992-93 Vol-IV Part-C Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 for (Continued)
2630 1992-93 Vol-IV Part-B Budget List-II Govt of NWFP Schedule of New Expenditure for 1992-93 for (Fresh)