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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
24c 7178 1962 Acts Printed Law Record The NWFP Hazara Forest Act,1962
24B 7177 1962 Acts Printed Law Record The NWFP Hazara Forest Act,1962
24A 76 1962 Acts Printed Law Record The NWFP Hazara Forest Act,1962
24 4944 1950 Acts Printed Law Record NWFP Govts: Acts Passed by the NWFP Legislative Assembly during year,1950
23 6421 1949 Acts Printed Law Record NWFP Govts: Acts Passed by the NWFP Legislative Assembly during year,1949
22 4943 1948 Acts Printed Law Record NWFP Government Acts (Passed by the NWFP Legislative Assembly during year 1948)
21 4938 1937 Acts Printed Law Record NWFP Act-II of 1937
20 4941 1939 Acts Printed Law Record The Moter Vehicles Act
19 4907 1876 Acts Printed Law Record The Indian Telegraph Act
18 4930 1922 Acts Printed Law Record Act No-VII of 1922 Passed by the Indian Legislative
17 4933 1930 Acts Printed Law Record Indian Police Acts Civil and Criminal Law Services
16 4905 1871 Acts Printed Law Record Titles of Acts Passed by the Governor General of India in Council
15 4937 1937 Acts Printed Law Record Government of India Acts
14 4940 1937 Acts Printed Law Record Government of India Acts
13 4912 1988 Acts Printed Law Record A collection of the Acts passed by the Governor General of India in Council
12 4924 1911 Acts Printed Law Record A collection of the Acts passed by the Governor General of India in Council
11 4927 1919 Acts Printed Law Record The Indian Contract Act
10 4923 1909 Acts Printed Law Record The Indian Contract Act
9 4939 1924 Acts Printed Law Record The Government of India Act with Rules and Notification thereunder and Index
8 4935 1935 Acts Printed Law Record The Indian Arms Act Manual
7 4934 1931 Acts Printed Law Record The Indian Arms Act Manual
6 4932 1939 Acts Printed Law Record The Indian Arms Act 1878 and the Indian Arms Rules,1924
5 4925 1912 Acts Printed Law Record Supplements to the Indian arms Act Manual
4 6420 1958 Acts Printed Law Record Gambling in India Public Gambling Act-III of 1867
3 4942 1939-40 Acts Printed Law Record The defence of India Act 1939 and the Rules made there under
2 6419 1938-39 Acts Printed Law Record Defence Department estimates of Expenditure charged on the Revenue of Barma with refernce to Section 59 (3)(a)and? and to Section 59(3)(h)read with Section 68(2)(b)and (3) of the Government of Burma Act
1 4931 1923 Acts Printed Law Record The Cantonments Act,II of 1924 and Cantonment (House Accommodation) Act-VI of 1923
132 1074 1908 II Imperial Gazetteer of India United Provinces
131 1073 1908 I Imperial Gazetteer of India United Provinces
130 1072 1908 XXIV Imperial Gazetteer of India Travancore to Zira
129 1071 1908 XXIV Imperial Gazetteer of India Travancore to Zira
128 1070 1908 XXIV Imperial Gazetteer of India Travancore to Zira
127 1069 1881 IX Imperial Gazetteer of India Tapti-Zut-Thut-
126 1068 1881 IX Imperial Gazetteer of India Tapti-Zut-Thut-
125 1067 1908 XXIII Imperial Gazetteer of India Singhbhum to Trashi to Chod to Zong
124 1066 1908 XXIII Imperial Gazetteer of India Singhbhum to Trashi to Chod to Zong
123 1065 1908 XXIII Imperial Gazetteer of India Singhbhum to Trashi to Chod to Zong
122 1064 1887 XIII Imperial Gazetteer of India Sirohi to Zumkha
121 1063 1908 XXII Imperial Gazetteer of India Samadhiala to Singhana
120 1062 1908 XXII Imperial Gazetteer of India Samadhiala to Singhana
119 1061 1908 XXII Imperial Gazetteer of India Samadhiala to Singhana
118 1060 1887 XII Imperial Gazetteer of India Ratlam to Sirmur
117 1059 1881 VIII Imperial Gazetteer of India Rangoon to Tanp
116 1058 1881 VIII Imperial Gazetteer of India Rangoon to Tanp
115 1057 1909 Nil Imperial Gazetteer of India Rajputana
114 1056 1908 XXI Imperial Gazetteer of India Pushkar to Salween
113 10 55 1908 XXI Imperial Gazetteer of India Pushkar to Salween
112 1054 1908 XXI Imperial Gazetteer of India Pushkar to Salween
111 1053 1908 II Imperial Gazetteer of India Punjab
110 1052 1908 II Imperial Gazetteer of India Punjab