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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
822A 5877 1945 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
822 5783 1945 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
821 5782 1944 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
820 5781 1943 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
819 5780 1943 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
818 5779 1942 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
817 5778 1942 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
816 5777 1941 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
815 5776 1941 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
814 5775 1940 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
813 5774 1940 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
812 5773 1940 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
811 5772 1926 Jail Various Department Administration Reports of the Jails of the NWFP
810 5771 1920 Jail Various Department Report of the Indian Jail Committee 1919-20
809 5770 1921 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department A summary of the experiments on Rice in Bihar and Orissa from 1912 to 1919
808 5769 1917 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department the Composition of seme Indian Feeding stuff
807 5768 1917 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Saltpetre Its origin and Extraction in India
806 5767 1917 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department New Agriculture implements for India
805 5766 1917 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Water Hyacinth(Eichorria Gassipes)
804 5765 1916 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Soil aeration in Agriculture
803 5764 1916 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Green Manuring in India
802 5763 1916 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department A study in the Assimilation of Nutrients by the Rice Plant
801 5762 1916 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Berseen as a new fodder crop for India
800 5761 1915 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department the manufacture of Jaggery in South India
799 5760 1915 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department The experimental error in field trails with sugarcane and the effect this error of various methods of sampling
798 5759 1915 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Note on Sugar Machinery and Manufacture in Northern India
797 5758 1915 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Soil Eresion and Surface Drainage
796 5757 1915 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department the detection of Added water in Milk in India
795 5756 1914 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Note on cane orushing the united provinces
794 5755 1914 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department the use of Sweet Jewar as a seurce of commercial sugar or as fodden and the variation in composition of the crop during growth
793 5754 1914 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Green Manuring experiment 1912-13
792 5753 1914 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Instruction for Rearing Mulberry Silk Worms
791 5752 1913 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Diseases of Rice
790 5751 1913 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Note on experiment with sugarcane at Sabour
789 5750 1913 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Report on the Flax experimental conducted at Dooriah during the year 1912-13
788 5749 1912 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Report on the Flax experimental conducted at Dooriah during the year 1911-12
787 5748 1912 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Wheat Experiment on the Botanical area
786 5747 1911 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Insecticides
785 5746 1910 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Memorandum on Indian Wheat for the British Market
784 5745 1910 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department the Miuing and Banking Qualities of Indian Wheat
783 5744 1908 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department on Fedx Dodder
782 5743 1908 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Sugarcane at the Partabagh experimental station
781 5742 1908 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department the making and care of lawns in India
780 5741 1908 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Treatment and observation of Crep pests on the Pusa Farm
779 5740 1908 Institute (Agriculture Research) Various Department Report on Coconut Plan disease in Travancore
778 5739 5739 Industries Trade Various Department Report on Indo-French trade
777 5738 5738 Industries Trade Various Department Report on Indo-French trade
776 5737 5737 Industries Trade Various Department Report on enquiry into the Silk Industry in India
775 5736 5736 Industries Trade Various Department Report on enquiry into the Silk Industry in India
774 5735 5735 Industries Trade Various Department Report on enquiry into the Silk Industry in India