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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
255 5966 1952 Various Department List II Annual Public Health and Vaccination Report of the NWFP
254 1945 Various Department List II Annual Report on Hospitals and Dispensaries in the NWFP
253 5951 1940 Various Department List II Public Health and Vaccination Reports of the NWFP
252 5961 1947 Various Department List II Annual Report on Hospitals and Dispensaries in the NWFP
251 3954 1940 Various Department List II Public Health and Vaccination Reports of the NWFP
250 1900-1911 Various Department List II The Punjab Record or Reference Civil,Criminal and Revenue
249 1901-1909 Various Department List II Judicial Records of the NWFP 1901 - 1924 Civil judgments
248 6704 1939 Various Department List II The Petroleum and Carbide of Calcium Manual by Gordon Peace
247 1979 January Various Department List II قرطاس ابیض بھٹو کا دور حکومت
246 1945 Various Department List II Annual Report on Hospitals and Dispensaries in the NWFP
245 1888 I,II,III Various Department List II Prices and Wages in India
244 1893 X Various Department List II Customary Law of the Amballa District
243 1954 January to November I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of NWFP
242 22837-E 1955 7th July I 1 Various Department List II Constituent Assembly of Pakistan Debates
241 7280 1888 January Various Department List II Secret Political Abstract of Intelligence Punjab Police
240 1989 January to July I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
239 1956 October to December Extra Ordinary Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
238 1870 Various Department List II Proceedings of the Government of the Punjab in the Medical and Sanitary Department
237 1962 January to March I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
236 1960-65 June Various Department List II The Second Fiver Year Plan
235 7154 1900 XXXV Various Department List II The Punjab Record or Reference book for civil officers
234 7153 1893 XXVIII Various Department List II Punjab Record
233 1885 July Various Department List II Proceedings of the Government of the Punjab in the Municipal Department
232 - 1938 Various Department List II Sardesai Commemoration Volume
231 7149 1880 Various Department List II The Punjab Record
230 1913 B Various Department List II NWFP Gazetteers Peshawar District Statistical Tables
229 1964 July to December I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of West Pakistan
228 7156 1900-1911 Various Department List II The Punjab References
227 1972 January to March I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
226 1929 January to June I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of NWFP
225 1953 January to September Extra Ordinary Various Department List II Gazettes of NWFP
224 1970 January to March I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of West Pakistan
223 1967 II Various Department List II Income Tax Digest
222 1971 July to November I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
221 1903 July to December I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of India
220 1901-1924 Various Department List II Judicial Records of the NWFP 1901 - 1924 Civil judgments
219 - 1961 January Extra Ordinary Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
218 1879 January Various Department List II Proceedings of the Government of the Punjab in the Home Department
217 1990 April to June I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
216 1961 January to December Extra Ordinary Various Department List II Gazettes of West Pakistan
215 1968 October to December I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of West Pakistan
214 1953 July to December I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazettes of NWFP
213 1913 Various Department List II Punjab Record
212 1967 January to June Extra Ordinary Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
211 1990 July to August Extra Ordinary Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
210 1990 January to March I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
209 1981-82 Various Department List II Public Sector Development Programme of the Federal Government 1981-82
208 1990 January , February &June I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
207 1956 January to April I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan
206 1956 May I,II,III,IV Various Department List II Gazette of Pakistan