Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)
Sr No | Acc No | Year(s) | Month(s) | Vol | Parts | SubHeading | Subject | Remarks | Title | |||||
1153 | 4261 | March--1928 | Proceedings | Proceedings of Punjab Medical Public Health Depatment | ||||||||||
1152 | 4254 | 1927 | Proceedings | Proceedings of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1151 | 4253 | 1926 | Proceedings | Proceedings of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1150 | 4250 | Jan--1924 | Proceedings | Proceedings of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1149 | 4249 | 1922 | Proceedings | Proceedings of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1148 | 4260 | Feb--1921 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the Government of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1147 | 4248 | Jan--1920 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the Government of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1146 | 4247 | 1919 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the Government of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1145 | 4246 | Jan--1918 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the Government of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1144 | 4245 | 1917 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1143 | 4244 | 1916 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1142 | 4243 | 1915 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1141 | 4242 | Jan--1914 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the Government of Punjab Home Depatment | ||||||||||
1140 | 4241 | 1913 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1139 | 4240 | Jan--1912 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1138 | 4239 | Jan--1911 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1137 | 4238 | Jan--1910 | Proceedings | Proceedings Home Department | ||||||||||
1136 | 4237 | Jan--1909 | Proceedings | Home Department Proceedings Medical & Sanitry | ||||||||||
1135 | 4090 | Jan--1862 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Foreign Department | ||||||||||
1134 | 3866 | Feb--1890 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Foreign Department | ||||||||||
1133 | 3865 | Jan--1890 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Foreign Department | ||||||||||
1132 | 3325 | Jan--1898 | Proceedings | Foreign Frontier Proceedings Index | ||||||||||
1131 | Nil | Jan to June 1935 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1130 | Nil | Jan to June 1873 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1129 | Nil | 1935 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1128 | Nil | Nov--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1127 | Nil | Dec--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1126 | Nil | Oct--1939 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1125 | Nil | Sept--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1124 | Nil | April--1937 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1123 | Nil | March--1937 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1122 | 3864 | Dec--1939 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1121 | 3863 | Oct--1939 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1120 | 3915 | Sept--1939 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1119 | 3862 | March--1939 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1118 | 3914 | Oct--1938 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1117 | 3861 | Sept--1938 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1116 | 3860 | July--1938 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1115 | 3859 | Jan--1938 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1114 | 3858 | Oct--1937 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1113 | 3857 | July--1937 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1112 | 3856 | June--1937 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1111 | 3855 | Dec--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1110 | 3854 | Aug--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1109 | 3853 | July--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1108 | 3852 | June--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1107 | 3851 | May--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1106 | 3850 | April--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1105 | 3849 | March--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||
1104 | 3848 | Feb--1936 | Proceedings | Proceedings of the govt of punjab Political Department | ||||||||||