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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
2328 - Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2327 - Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2326 1987 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2325 1983 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2324 1983 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2323 1987 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2322 A 1987 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants ( Conduct) Rules
2322 1981 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Civil Servants Revised Laws Rules
2321 1980 Miscellaneous P&D Department General Provident Fund NWFP Services Rules
2320 1985 Miscellaneous P&D Department Pakistan Prison Rules
2319 1977 Miscellaneous P&D Department Department Financial Rules
2318 1965 I Miscellaneous P&D Department Manual of Service Recruitment Rules, Govt of West Pakistan
2317 1983 Miscellaneous P&D Department West Pakistan ( Presidents Order No.1 of 1970
2316 1973 Miscellaneous P&D Department NWFP Govt Department (Efficiency & Discipline Rules)
2315 1966 Miscellaneous P&D Department West Pakistan, Govt Servants(Conduct) Rules
2314 1964 Miscellaneous P&D Department Govt Servants (Conduct) Rules
2313 1964 Miscellaneous P&D Department Govt Servants (Conduct) Rules
2312 1922 Miscellaneous P&D Department Statutory Rules Orders made under the Income Tax Act 1922
2311 1961 Miscellaneous P&D Department Muslim Family Laws Ordinance
2310 1961 Miscellaneous P&D Department Kanungo Service rules
2309 1954 Miscellaneous P&D Department Punjab Financial handbook No.I Part-I (The Treasury Rules Punjab)
2308 1952 I Miscellaneous P&D Department Compilation of the Treasury Rules
2307 1951 I Miscellaneous P&D Department Compilation of the Treasury Rules
2306 1951 Miscellaneous P&D Department The Civil Services ( Classification Control and Appeal) Rules
2305 1951 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Legislative Assembly Electoral ( Elections and Election Petitions
2304 1951 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Legislative Assembly Electoral ( Elections and Election Petitions
2303 1951 Miscellaneous P&D Department Government of Pakistan Post Office Insurance Fund Rules
2302 1951 Miscellaneous P&D Department Government of Pakistan Post Office Insurance Fund Rules
2301 1946 Miscellaneous P&D Department Reules for the Supply of Liveries, Belts and Warn clothing
2300 1944 Miscellaneous P&D Department Government of the N.W.F.P. Rules and Orders and Supplementary Instructions for the Transaction of Business in his Council of Ministers and for Regulation. the Relations between Ministers.
2299 1944 Miscellaneous P&D Department Government of the N.W.F.P. Rules and Orders and Supplementary Instructions for the Transaction of Business in his Council of Ministers and for Regulation. the Relations between Ministers.
2298 1944 Miscellaneous P&D Department Government of the N.W.F.P. Rules and Orders and Supplementary Instructions for the Transaction of Business in his Council of Ministers and for Regulation. the Relations between Ministers.
2297 1940 Miscellaneous P&D Department Rules Governing, Occupation and Charges on Account of Rent Electricity Etc for Provincial Government Rest House and Circuit House in the N.W.F.P.
2296 1940 Miscellaneous P&D Department The N.W.F.P. (P.C.S) Executive Branch pay and appointment Rules and Recruitment Rules, 1940.
2295 1940 Miscellaneous P&D Department Government of Pakistan Ministry of Industries Department of Explosives the Explosives Rules 1940.
2294 1939 Miscellaneous P&D Department N.W.F.P. District Board election Rules 1939.
2293 1937 VI Miscellaneous P&D Department Govemment of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh (Book of Forms) Referred to in Financial Handbook Volurne-VI Public Works Account Rules.
2292 1937 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Factories Rules
2291 1937 Miscellaneous P&D Department Frontier Corpos of Militia and Scouts (Minstrel)
2290 1937 Miscellaneous P&D Department The NWFP Cantonment Electoral Rules
2289 1915 II Miscellaneous P&D Department Central Government Compilation of the Treasury Rules
2288 1936 Miscellaneous P&D Department Posts and Telegraph Compilation of the Fundamental Rules
2287 1934 Miscellaneous P&D Department NWFP Subordinate, Punishment and Appeal Rules
2286 1934 Miscellaneous P&D Department NWFP Subordinate, Punishment and Appeal Rules
2285 1934 Miscellaneous P&D Department NWFP Subordinate, Punishment and Appeal Rules
2284 1934 Miscellaneous P&D Department NWFP Subordinate, Punishment and Appeal Rules
2283 1930 Miscellaneous P&D Department Rules and Orders of High Court of Judicature
2282 1929 Miscellaneous P&D Department History of Services of Extra Assistant Commissioner, Munsiffs, Temporary Addditional Extra Assistant Commissioners and Accepted Candidates for the post of Extra Assistant Commissioner and Munsiff
2281 1994 Miscellaneous P&D Department Extension Kaleidoscope History of Extension Evaluation in NWFP
2280 1986 Miscellaneous P&D Department Forwards Andragogy a Report on the Second Advanced Course in Public Administration and Development Economics