Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)
Sr No | Acc No | Year(s) | Month(s) | Vol | Parts | SubHeading | Subject | Remarks | Title | |||||
3008 | 1969 | 1 January | XXI | 1 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Population Vital Statistics Report United Nations | |||||||
3007 | 1970 | M | 45 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Principles and Recommendations for the 1970 Housing Censuses United Nations | ||||||||
3006 | 1969 | F | 16 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Handbook of Population and Housing Census Methods United Nations | ||||||||
3005 | 1969 | February | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Monthly Bulletin of Statistics bulletin Mensuel de Statistique (United Nations) | |||||||||
3004 | 1969 | 5-9 May | ID/35 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Establishment of Pharmaceutical Industries in Developing Countries United Nations | ||||||||
3003 | 1969 | 24 February 14 March | I | ID/36 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Establishment and Development of Automotive Industries in Developing Countries United Nations | |||||||
3002 | 1968 | ST/ECE/ENG/6 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | The Engineering Industry and Industrialization United Nation | |||||||||
3001 | 1968 | Project Pak 26 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | General Survey of Existing Situation and Proposal for the Plastics Production and Processing Industries in Pakistan up to 1985 United Nations | |||||||||
3000 | 1969 | 1 January | XXI | 1 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Population Vital Statistics Report United Nations | |||||||
2999 | 1969 | 1 June | XX | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Economic Bulletin for Asia and the Far East United Nations | ||||||||
2998 | 1969 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Studies on Social Development in the Middle East United Nations | ||||||||||
2997 | 1968 | 23-27 September | II | ST/ECE/HOU/38 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Economic Commission for Europe Proceedings of the Seminar on Management, Maintenance and Modernization of Housing Untied Nations | |||||||
2996 | 1968 | 32 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Proceedings of the Seminar on Sources of Mineral Raw Materials for the Fertilizer Industry in Asia and the Far East United Nations | |||||||||
2995 | 1968 | M | 47 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | International Recommendations for Construction Statistics United Nations | ||||||||
2994 | 1969 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | the Central Organs of the Civil Service in the Developing Countries United Nations | ||||||||||
2993 | 1969 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Industrialization and Productivity (United Nations) | ||||||||||
2991 | 1969 | ST/SOA/87 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Rural Housing A Review of world Conditions United Nations | |||||||||
2992 | 1969 | 3-14 Novemebr | E/4768/E/CN-9/235 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Population Commission Report of the Fifteenth Session United Nations | ||||||||
2990 | 1969 | 16 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Domestic and External Financing United Nations | |||||||||
2989 | 1967-68 | 14 may 1967 to 25 April 1968 | E/4499 E/CN-61/14/Rev-1 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Economic Commission for Latin America Annual Report United Nations | ||||||||
2988 | 1967 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | National Grain Policies United Nations | ||||||||||
2987 | 1967 | ST/SOA/Series A/42 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Methods of Estimating Basic Demographic Measures from Incomplete Data United Nations | |||||||||
2986 | 1967 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Industrial Development in Africa United Nations | ||||||||||
2985 | 1967 | ST/SOA/77 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Local Participation in Development Planning United Nations | |||||||||
2984 | - | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Comprehensive Energy Surveys an outline of Procedure United Nations | ||||||||||
2983 | 1967 | M | 36 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Bibliography of Industrial and Distributive-Trade Statistics United Nations | ||||||||
2982 A | 1967 | January | XIX | 1 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Population Vital Statistics Report United Nations | |||||||
2982 | 1967 | XIX | 1 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Population Vital Statistics Report United Nations | ||||||||
2981 | 1967 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Macro-Economic Models for Planning and Policy- Making United Nations | ||||||||||
2980 | 1966 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Report Interregional Symposium on Metalworking Industries in Developing Countries | ||||||||||
2979 | 1967 | Noember | ID/25 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Nature and Role of Industrial Co-Operatives in Industrial Development United Nations | ||||||||
2978 | 1967 | 7-18 August | ST/SOA/83 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Report of the Interregional Expert meeting on Social Welfare Organization and Administration Geneva, Switzerland | ||||||||
2977 | 1967 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Fao Committee on Forest Development in the Tropics | ||||||||||
2976 | 1968 | Series No 5 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Regional Economic Co-operation in Asia and the Far East Shipping and Ocean Freight Rates United Nations | |||||||||
2975 | 1966 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Report of the World Land Reform Conference United Nations | ||||||||||
2974 | 1968 | I | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Annual Bulletin of Coal Statistics for Europe United Nation | |||||||||
2973 | 1968 | August/September | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Endemic Goitre in the Gilgit Agency West Pakistan the Wellcome Trust Anglo-Pakistan Goitre Survey | |||||||||
2972 | 1968 | 29 April-10 May | E/4515 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Committee for Development Planning Report on the third Session United Nations | ||||||||
2971 | 1968 | 11-28 June | E/4545 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | United Nations Development Programme Report of the Governing Council Sixth Session | ||||||||
2970 A | 1968 | Series M No 4 rev.2 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities United Nations | |||||||||
2970 | 1968 | Series M No 4 rev.2 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities United Nations | |||||||||
2969 | 1968 | III | 2 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Industrial Research and Development News IRDN United Nations | ||||||||
2968 | 1968 | ST/ECE/ENG/6 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | The Engineering Industry and Industrialization United Nation | |||||||||
2967 | 1968 | 4-15 November | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Report of the Ninth Fao Regional Conference for the near East Bangkok, Thailand United Nations | |||||||||
2966 | 1968 | 21 September | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Report of the Ninth Fao Regional Conference for the near East Baghdad Iraq United Nations | |||||||||
2965 | 1968 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Annual Bulletin of Electric Energy Statistics for Europe Bulletin annuel de Statistiques De L'energle Electrique pour l'europe | ||||||||||
2964 | 1968 | 32 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Proceedings of the Seminar on Sources of Mineral Raw Materials for the Fertilizer Industry in Asia and the Far East United Nations | |||||||||
2963 | 1968 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | World Trade in Steel and Steel Demand in Developing Countries United Nations | ||||||||||
2962 | 1968 | 2 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Estimation of Managerial and Technical Personnel Requirements in Selected Industries United Nations | |||||||||
2961 | 1966 | 14-27 August | II | ST/TAO/SERC/105 | Miscellaneous | P&D Department | Sectoral Aspects of Projections for the World Economy First Interregional seminar on Long-Term Economic Projections United Nations | |||||||