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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
1393 - Development Miscellaneous V Earth Resources Development
1392 1981-82 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V NWFP University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar Prospectus for the Academic Session
1391 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V North West Frontier Irrigation and Drainage Authority Brief on Foreign Aided Projects in NWFP
1390 2001-2003 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Rising to the Challenge Two Years of Performance City District of Government Lahore
1389 1972-81 Industry Miscellaneous V Administrative Review NWFP Small Industries Development Board
1388 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V The Quaid-e-Azam Library Books on Philosophy
1387 1980-81 Census Miscellaneous V Population and Housing Census of Pakistan
1386 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Brief Rehabilitation of Provincial Highways
1385 1982 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Directory of Registered Factories
1384 1968-69 Accounts Miscellaneous V Government of West Pakistan Appropriation Accounts other then Railways
1383 Miscellaneous V not Available now -
1382 1932 Legislative Assembly Debates Miscellaneous V Table of Contents to the NWFP Legislative Council Debates
1381 1968 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Libraries in Pakistan
1380 1879 Gazette Miscellaneous V Government Gazette of Punjab
1379 2002 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Review of Foreign Trade
1378 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Guide Book Area Study Centre (Central Asia) University of Peshawar Pakistan
1377 1950-51 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Annual Report on the Land Revenue Administration of the Punjab
1376 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Anti-Corruption Establishment NWFP Constition and Operational Procedures
1375 1973 Industry Miscellaneous V Industry in Pakistan Development Planning Series
1374 1957 Development Miscellaneous V The Divisional Development Boards and the District Development Committees Rules
1373 1994-95 Accounts Miscellaneous V Provincial Assembly of NWFP Preliminary Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Accounts of Government of NWFP
1372 1984 Development Miscellaneous V Agricultural Development in Retrospect and Prospect
1371 1976 Development Miscellaneous V Development Statistics of NWFP
1370 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V نی نسلین لکھنو
1369 1985 Census Miscellaneous V Fragmentation of Agricultural Holdings in Pakistan Causes and Consequences
1368 - Development Miscellaneous V Development of NWFP
1367 1982 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Crop-Cutting Survey Maize-Kharif in German Aided Five IRD Marakaz Peshawar Tehsil
1366 - Rules Miscellaneous V Compilation of the Treasury Rules
1365 1938 Rules Miscellaneous V NWFP Government Securities Rules
1364 1972 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V PPP-NAP-JUI the Tripartite Accord
1363 1973 Transport Miscellaneous V Transport & Communications in Pakistan
1362 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V عروج اسلام ہندوستان میں اسلامی بادشاہت
1361 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Red Cross & Red Crescent Portrait of an International Movement
1360 1995 Development Miscellaneous V Progress report Communication & Works Department Govt of NWFP Developmental Schemes
1359 - Agricultural Miscellaneous V Sustainable Agriculture Abeed Ullah Jan Minister for Food Agriculture and Livestock Government of NWFP
1358 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V رمضان المبارک مستقبل کے لیے روشنی
1357 1956-57 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Eastern Bengal Railway and the Port of Chittagong (Railway) Open Line Programme
1356 1971-72 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V صوبہ سرحد میں شوگرملوں کو گنے کی فراہمی سے متعلق پالیسی اور فیصیلے
1355 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V علمی راے سہ فریقی سمجھوتہ نی دہلی
1354 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Monopoly Procurement Scheme of Rice Lahore and Multan Regions
1353 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V ESIP Experimental School Improvement Programme
1352 1982 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V Basic Statistics on Small and Household Manufacturing Establishments District Bahawal Nagar
1351 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V تعلیم غوسیہ
1350 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V ولی خان کو پیچانے
1349 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V ایران کا نام نہاد اسلامی انقلاب اور آیت اللہ خمینی ظالم کون عراق یا ایران
1348 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V ایران کا نام نہاد اسلامی انقلاب اور آیت اللہ خمینی ظالم کون عراق یا ایران
1347 1988 FATA Miscellaneous V Important Agency-Wise Socio Economic Indicators of FATA
1346 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V World Pashto Congress Constitution and Program
1345 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous V World Pashto Congress Constitution and Program
1344 1932 Legislative Assembly Debates Miscellaneous V Legislature Debates