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Publication Detail (Record Foun 36147)

Sr No Acc No Year(s) Month(s) Vol Parts SubHeading Subject Remarks Title
1649 1948 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV New Study Readers
1648 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV رہنماے جغرافیہ
1647 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV اقبال کا فلسفہ خودی اور عقیدہ آ خرت
1646 1990-1994 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV پانچ سالہ منصوبہ و منصوبہ عمل
1645 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV مکتوبات مودودی
1644 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV ( اخوان المسلمون ( تاریخ ۔ دعوت ۔ خدمات
1643 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV اسلام میں ریاست اور فرد کا مقام
1642 1941-43 I Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV روداد جماعت اسلامی
1641 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV شہادت الخاریر علے حرمتہ المزامیر
1640 1980 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV In Quest of Knowledge
1639 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV The Call to Islam
1638 1976 Augest Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Theocracy and the Islamic State
1637 1945 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Descriptive Catalogue of Exhibits
1636 - Transport Miscellaneous IV Notes on Alternative Motor Transport Schemes for Adoption in the NWFP
1635 1952 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Report of the Basic Principles Committee
1634 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV مسلمانوں کا سیاسی انتشار اور اس کا علاج
1633 1942 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Exposition of the Muslim Case
1632 1871 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Central Asia A Contribution Towards the Better Knowledge of the Topography Ethnology Resources & History of Persia
1631 1905 XXXII I Miscellaneous IV Records of The Geological Survey of India
1630 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV کلان جواھرالانبیا معروف و مشہور بہ قصص الانبیا
1629 1984 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV جدید ٹیپ ریکارڈر گاییڈ
1628 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV دستور پاکستان
1627 1954 March Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Instructions Regarding Aid to the Civil Power
1626 1907 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV The Bombay Bacteriological Laboratory
1625 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV The Search for Oil in Pakistan
1624 1929 Rules Miscellaneous IV NWFP Motor Vehicles Plying for hire Rules
1623 1984-85 Development Miscellaneous IV The Journal of Development Studies
1622 1963 Education Miscellaneous IV Experimental Foundations of Health Education
1621 1949 14 August Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV اطلاعات سرحد پاکستان کا دوسرا سال پشاور
1620 1940 October I 10 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV The Northern India Observer
1619 1958 VIII Miscellaneous IV Archivum Revue Internationale Des Archives Conseil International Des Archives
1618 1941 June XIII 4 Journal Miscellaneous IV Teaching a Quarterly Technical Journal for Teachers
1617 1988 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV نظام اسلامی ( مشاہیراسلام کی نظر میں
1616 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV روداد جماعت اسلامی
1615 1887 Act Miscellaneous IV The Punjab Land Revenue Act (XVII of 1887 with Introduction,Speeches in Council Notes, Rules and Orders
1614 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Sport and Politics under an Eastern Sky
1613 1994 January 42 1 Miscellaneous IV Monthly Statistical Bulletin
1612 1986-87 Census Miscellaneous IV Census of NWFP Government Employees
1611 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV The Ready Reckoner
1610 1950 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Indian Historical Records Commission Nagpur Agenda
1609 1926-1941 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Folk Tales of the Nations
1608 1949-51 Project Miscellaneous IV General Report of the Administration of the Punjab Proper
1607 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV الفاروق یعنی حضرت عمر رضی اللہ عنہ کی سوایح عمری
1606 - I Miscellaneous Miscellaneous IV Ready Reckoner Calculator
1605 1995-1996 Budget Miscellaneous IV بجت تقریر جناب محمد افتحار خان مہمند وزیر خزانہ صوبہ سرحد
1604 2004-2005 Budget Miscellaneous IV بجٹ تقریر جناب سراج الحق
1603 1982-83 Project Miscellaneous IV Marketing Report on D.H.Chemicals Expansion Project
1602 1979 Accounts Miscellaneous IV National Insurance Corporation Report and Accounts
1601 1965 September Extraordinary Gazette Miscellaneous IV The Gazette of West Pakistan
1600 1966 Rules Miscellaneous IV The Factories Act,1934 with Exhaustive Commentary and allied Laws and Rules